Deal Of The Day
₹ 330.00
₹ 345.00
Supports Bone & Cartilage health Supports faster Bone healing response and as Bone tonic Supports blood clotting, healing ulcer & as anti-inflammation Helps to promote weight loss & healthy metabolism Bixa Hadjod Powder is prepared from roots of Botanical herb Cissus quadrangularis. Cissus quadrangularis is a succulent vine from Africa and Asia continent. Cissus is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in Thailand, and is also used in traditional African and Ayurvedic medicine. All parts of the plant are used for medicine, especially roots. Cissus quadrangularis is a type of plant that is a part of the grape family. It is sometimes referred to as Veldt Grape, Devil's Backbone, Asthisamharaka in Sanskrit and Hadjod as common name. The Hadjod have proven to be very useful in herbal medicines, and can now be accessed in supplement form in many parts of the world. The active ingredients in Cissus quadrangularis...
Supports Bone & Cartilage health Supports faster Bone healing response and as Bone tonic Supports blood clotting, healing ulcer &...
₹ 330.00
₹ 345.00
Supports Low Sugar Levels Promotes prevention of tissue & cells damage. Supports reduction of thirst and proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols which supports low blood Sugar & as Anti-oxidant. Jamun (Botanical – Eugenia jambolana), also popularly known as jambul, jambolan, java plum is a nutritious seasonal fruit found in abundance in Asia. Jamun fruit is eaten as a health snack in many parts of the world. Jamun is a delicious tropical plum-like fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruit, seeds, bark and leaves of Jambul have medicinal properties. Jamun is loaded with antioxidants and Flavonoids essential for a healthy body and mind. As compared with other fruits, Jambul provides lesser calories making it the perfect choice in a healthy diet! Jamun helps as Astringent in action and has alleviated Kapha/pitta reducing property. Jamun is widely distributed throughout India and ayurvedic medicine (Indian folk medicine) mentions its use for the treatment of...
Supports Low Sugar Levels Promotes prevention of tissue & cells damage. Supports reduction of thirst and proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols...
₹ 345.00
Supports as natural hair tonic
Promotes new hair growth and preventing hair loss
Promotes scalp health removing dandruff, itching, and scalp irritation
Promotes hair strengthening & prevent breakage
Conditioning properties makes hair soft & smooth
Prevents premature graying
Supports as natural hair tonic Promotes new hair growth and preventing hair loss Promotes scalp health removing dandruff, itching, and scalp...
₹ 275.00
₹ 295.00
Promotes Healthy Urination Supports healthy digestion & appetite Rich in Potassium which promotes healthy heart function Promotes skin health for itching & various othe disorders Achyranthes aspera (common names: chaff-flower, prickly chaff flower, devil's horsewhip, Sanskrit -Apamarga) is a species of plant in the Amaranthaceae family. It is distributed throughout the tropical world. Apamarga is one of the 21 leaves used in the auspicious yearly Lord Ganesh Puja in India. Achyranthes aspera has occupied a pivotal position in Indian culture and folk medicine. Since ancient times the tribal and rural people of India commonly use this herb in various disorders.Apamarga is widely used as medicinal purposes especially as diuretics and even used for obstetrics and gynaecology purposes (to be taken under medical supervision by pregnant ladies). Prickly chaff flower supports overall digestion, removal of extra phlegm & toxins. Apamarga whole herb promotes blood circulation and heart pumping. A special medicine...
Promotes Healthy Urination Supports healthy digestion & appetite Rich in Potassium which promotes healthy heart function Promotes skin health for...
₹ 345.00
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Promotes adequate blood flow to heart muscles for proper pumping. Promotes clearance of blood vessels blockages, related to heart muscles. Promotes quick healing of Ulcers & damaged tissues. Arjun, Arjuna or Terminalia arjuna (Latin name) is considered to be Cardiac wellbeing botanical plant used in Ayurveda (East Indian traditional medicine) since 2500 B.C. Arjuna has remarkable cardio-protective, heart muscle strengthening properties. In Ayurveda Arjuna is said to have better effect on Vitiated Kapha & pitta humors of body. Arjun Powder also has absorbent / astringent action, which helps to control Raktapitta or bleeding problem (also by virtue of its vaso constriction action). Arjun helps to reduce frequency of loose motions in dysentery or diarrhoea. Ayurveda mentions use of Arjun powder to promote healing process of wound, especially of person having high blood sugar. As per scientific study Arjun is rich in Tanins, saponnins, natural...
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Promotes adequate blood flow to heart muscles for proper pumping. Promotes clearance of blood...
₹ 345.00
Supports healthy brain & mental functions It Contains Triterpinoids which Supports in neurological problems. Promotes more blood flow to brain & high intelligence level. Supports development of tissues of Vocal Chords (Voice quality). Bacoside present, supports preventive degenerative changes in Brain cells. Brahmi, Nir-brahmi Or Bacopa is a perennial, creeping herb native to the wetlands of southern and Eastern India, Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South America. Bacopa is a medicinal herb used in Ayurveda, where it is also known as "Brahmi", after Brahmā, the creator God of the Hindu pantheon. Bacopa monnieri was initially described around the 6th century A.D. in texts such as the Charaka Samhita, Atharva-Veda, and Susrut Samhita as a medhya rasayana (Brain Rejuvenator)–class herb taken to sharpen intellect and attenuate mental deficits. The herb was allegedly used by ancient Vedic scholars to memorize lengthy sacred hymns and scriptures. From Ancient time Brahmi/ Bacopa is used as Nervine and cardiac...
Supports healthy brain & mental functions It Contains Triterpinoids which Supports in neurological problems. Promotes more blood flow to brain...
₹ 445.00
Supports Colon Cleanse. Detoxification & as antioxidant Supports Low Cholesterol Level. Helpful as harmless purgative and in removing toxins from body. Helpful in preventing premature degradation of cells. Has Bio-flavonoids & Tanins which is helpful as Anti-oxidants. Triphala is an Ayurvedic traditional generic medicine that is popular as rasayana or the rejuvenator. Triphala is the combination of three wonderful herbs/ myrobalans - Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia belerica in equal quantity. Triphala Powder is used to balance the doshas (the elements of body and mind), especially it pacifies vitiated Kapha/pitta and supports enhancement in the process of digestion and elimination of toxins. Triphala Powder supports laxative and carminative action, which helps to relieve constipation, flatulence, gas, and abdominal distension.Triphala helps to approach weight loss in a different way; rather than focusing on eating less and exercising more, Triphala works to cleanse the digestive system and promote healthy nutritional uptake....
Supports Colon Cleanse. Detoxification & as antioxidant Supports Low Cholesterol Level. Helpful as harmless purgative and in removing toxins from...
₹ 325.00
₹ 345.00
Promotes Skin Health & Vitality Promotes Applied with glycerin supports rejuvenation of facial skin. Applied with rose water promotes cooling & rehydration of skin. Regular use as facial pack promote healthy oil balance & toning of skin. Powder with pinch of salt supports teeth whitening & gum cleansing Lime peel Powder is derived from drying fruit rind of Citrus Limonum plant and crushing it. lime peel Powder contains Volatile oil and is used externally from ages. Internally lime peel Powder taken in small quantity approx ½ tsp may be helpful as aromatic, stomachic & carminative when taken with herbal teas, smoothies etc. lime peel Powder can also be used with other spices to improve digestion power. Scientific study has shown presence of Vitamin C, Citric acid & volatile oil in lime peel Powder . Externally it may be used with other ingredients to improve skin texture & quality. lime peel...
Promotes Skin Health & Vitality Promotes Applied with glycerin supports rejuvenation of facial skin. Applied with rose water promotes cooling...
₹ 430.00
₹ 425.00
Supports Healthy Liver & Kidney Functions Promotes Cardio-vascular health & blood circulation Supports overall immunity of the body Supports sugar metabolism and good skin health Daruharidra [Botanical name- Berberis aristata] also known as Indian barberry or tree turmeric is a shrub belonging to the genus Berberis. The genus comprises approximately 450-500 species of deciduous evergreen shrubs and is found in the temperate and sub-tropical regions of Asia, Europe, and America. Daruharidra is native to the Himalayas in India (especially in kumaon & chamba region), in Nepal and is also naturally found in the wet zone of Sri Lanka. The Daruharidra is also widely distributed in Nilgiris hills in south india. In Ayurvedic texts Daruharidra is mentioned to be useful as bitter tonic, digestive, pacifies liver & spleen swelling, as fever reducing agent, improves blood circulation and supports skin health. Ayurveda says the qualities and medicinal uses of Daruharidra are very...
Supports Healthy Liver & Kidney Functions Promotes Cardio-vascular health & blood circulation Supports overall immunity of the body Supports sugar...
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