Herbal Capsules
₹ 499.00
₹ 789.00
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic. It contains Bitters useful to increase immunity against various infections Useful to digest toxins and purify liver tissues Andrographolide present is useful as anti-inflammation and to reduce bodyache Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Kalmegh Or Andrographis Paniculata is a very important medicinal plant of traditional medicine system. Kalmegh is found growing wild throughout the plains and hills of tropical India, from Uttar Pradesh to Kerala, and also in Bangladesh, Pakistan and all South East Asian countries. All part of plant is extremely bitter due to which plant is known as “King of bitter”. This plant is called Hempedu Bumi (meaning bile of earth) in Malaysia. In Ayurveda Kalmegh is used in various ailments related vitiated Pitta/ Kapha in Liver, Skin and Intestine. As per Ayurvedic principle excess Pitta cause disturbance in liver enzymes, which leads to inflammation in cells & thus...
Supports as Natural Liver Tonic. It contains Bitters useful to increase immunity against various infections Useful to digest toxins and...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Tanins present has astringent action which helps to heal ulcers. Helps to regulate bad cholesterol and clear heart blockages. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Arjun, Arjuna or Terminalia arjuna (Latin name) is considered to be Cardiac wellbeing botanical plant used in Ayurveda (East Indian traditional medicine) since 2500 B.C. Arjuna has remarkable cardio-protective, heart muscle strengthening properties. In Ayurveda Arjuna is said to have better effect on Vitiated Kapha & pitta humors of body. Arjun extract Capsule also has absorbent / astringent action, which helps to control Raktapitta or bleeding problem (also by virtue of its vaso constriction action). Arjun helps to reduce frequency of loose motions in dysentery or diarrhoea. Ayurveda mentions use of Arjun Powder to promote healing process of wound, especially of person having high blood sugar....
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Tanins present has astringent...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Supports healthy reproductive system in both males and females. Promotes relief in Joint Pain & Inflammation Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Ashwagandha/ Asvagandha/ Asgandha (Botanical Name: Withania Somnifera) is referred as Indian ginseng, helps to provide natural source of energy and promote muscle strength. Ashwagandha has been used by Ayurveda for thousands of years as rasāyana (rejuvenation) and helps as a natural adaptive agent. Ashwagandha supports as a physiological and psychological Natural Stress-relief agent. In Sanskrit, it is known by the name Ashwagandha, which means the odor of a horse. It is named so because of the odor of horse sweat that the roots seem to emanate, as well as the virility of a horse, an inference to the traditional use of ashwagandha to support a healthy male reproductive...
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Supports healthy reproductive...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Supports healthy brain & mental functions It Contains Triterpinoids which helps in neurological problems. It helps to flow more blood to brain & increasing intelligence. It helps to develop tissues of Vocal Chords (Voice quality). Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Centella asiatica (Botanical Name) is also known as Brahma-manduki, Mandukaparni in Sanskrit and nowadays it is commonly known as Gotu Kola. For medicinal purpose the leaves of the plant or whole plant is also used. Mandukaparni or Gotu kola is a soft herb found all over India near marshy areas up to 600 meters. Its leaves have shape and appearance like a webbed feet of frog (In Sanskrit Mandook means frog, and Parni means leaf). Ayurveda mentions Gotu kola uses as Brahmi Herb (Bacopa) especially helps for treating brain disorders, skin diseases, neural disorders and insomnia due to its adaptogen property, central nervous system relaxant, sedative,...
Supports healthy brain & mental functions It Contains Triterpinoids which helps in neurological problems. It helps to flow more blood...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Useful as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Helps to inhibit glucose uptake from Intestine & maintains Blood Sugar level. Bitters & Alkaloids present helps to protect pancreatic cells. Helps in improving Liver functions. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Karela (Botanical Name - Momordica Charantia) has many names. In Pakistan, India among other Asian countries, it is known by this name, Karela. In English speaking countries, it’s known as bitter gourd, bitter squash or bitter melon. This cucumber-like fruit with ugly bumps all over is popular due to its various health benefits. As mentioned in Ayurvedic texts Karela or Bitter melon is cold in potency, easily digestible & bitter in taste. Karela has Pitta, Kapha pacifying action & do not aggravate Vata. Bitter melon supports Blood purifying properties & helps in de-toxification. Karela supports facilitation of oxygenated & proper blood flow to skin, which helps to cleanse &...
Useful as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Helps to inhibit glucose uptake from Intestine & maintains Blood Sugar level. Bitters &...
₹ 499.00
₹ 695.00
Supports Mental Calmness & Tranquil Sleep Supports calmness in Neural hyperactivity & agitated mind. Promotes improvement in sleep quality & reduction in Stress & Strain. Supports reduction in pain sensation & mind relaxment. Ashwagandha Extract has shown presence of alkaloid somniferrin acting as nervine sedative which helps to calm the mind and improve sleep quality. Ashwagandha extract also nourishes muscles and nerves which creates a state of well being in the body. Tagara Extract - The root of this herb has a sweet aroma and consists of essential oils and valepotriates. Apart from this scientific study of Tagara Extract has shown presence of alkaloids with medicinal qualities & Methyl apigenin with hesperidin which are known to possess sleep enhancing and sedative qualities. Tagara Extract also contains valerenic acid, which restricts the enzyme – induced breakdown of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid), which is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain. Mandukparni...
Supports Mental Calmness & Tranquil Sleep Supports calmness in Neural hyperactivity & agitated mind. Promotes improvement in sleep quality &...
₹ 499.00
₹ 695.00
Supports Skin Wellbeing & as Blood purifier Promotes removal of infections & prevention of skin damage Promotes reduction of Itching & burning sensation Helps to promote ulcer healing & reduction in inflammation As per Ayurvedic science Neem extract is one of the best for skin health. It has bitters, terpenoids, alkaloids which help to promote immunity against infections, detox the skin cells and reduce free radicals as anti-oxidant agent. The Manjistha Extract constituents such as anthroquinones & Flavonoids helps to promote suppression of harmful pathogens present in skin, acts as blood purifier, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation. Manjistha Extract supports healthy pigmentation & natural glow to skin. Bhringaraj extract contains triterpenes, Flavonoids which helps to detoxify the skin by stimulating Liver functions. Devdaru Herb helps to reduce skin Itching sensation and as Blood purifier. Khadir is considered to be potent blood purifier with anti-pruritic property and useful in various skin disorders. Lodhra...
Supports Skin Wellbeing & as Blood purifier Promotes removal of infections & prevention of skin damage Promotes reduction of Itching...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Supports healthy joint functions & anti-inflammation Supports Joint flexibility & mobility. Supports muscle & connective tissue health. Helps to remove toxins and for healthy digestion. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free The Boswellia tree trunk produces resin (oleoresin) which is called Shallaki; it is purified and Powder ed to be used in various Ayurvedic medicinal applications. From ancient times, Boswellia Powder has been used in Ayurvedic Science for pain killing, blood circulation, skin cleanser, as diaphoretic in fever, demulcent and as cough expectorant. Numerous studies conducted recently on Boswellia/ Shallaki has shown presence of useful chemical components like Terpenes, boswellic acids etc. Boswellic acid is an important active constituent in Shallaki, which helps in suppressing joint inflammation and pain by targeting key enzymes that facilitate the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the joints. Hence Boswellia is used in various stages of arthritis as an anti-inflammation & pain...
Supports healthy joint functions & anti-inflammation Supports Joint flexibility & mobility. Supports muscle & connective tissue health. Helps to remove...
₹ 499.00
₹ 695.00
Supports mind power & healthy brain functions
Promotes healthy Memory level & grasping power.
Promotes strength to Nerves & helps to boosts mental alertness.
Supports reduction in mental irritation & re-energising brain cells.
Brahmi Extract – Studies has shown presence of Bacosides, triterpinoids which helps in Cognitive enhancement and improving memory level. Brahmi or Bacopa is age old remedy used extensively in Ayurveda for improving Brain function & IQ level.
Shankhapuspi Extract – Studies have shown water extract of Shankhapuspi improves Intelligence, prevents nervine damage and promotes memory enhancement.
Ashwagandha Extract – Alkaloid present in Ashwagandha is an excellent anti-stress tonic, which helps to keep anxiety related problems away.
Mucuna (Kavacha) Extract – Dopamine present in Mucuna helps to increase L-dopa levels in body, which creates well being & re-energise the body, promotes nervine strength.
Supports mind power & healthy brain functions Promotes healthy Memory level & grasping power. Promotes strength to Nerves & helps...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Supports Weight Reducing action Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and prevention of fat deposition Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Caralluma (Botanical name – Caralluma Fimbriata) is a succulent plant (cactus) from India. In India Caralluma grows wild and is often used as a border in gardens and as a roadside shrub. Caralluma is also found in the wild in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Canary Islands, Afghanistan, and Southern Europe. Traditionally, Indian tribes used to chew chunks of Caralluma plant to keep from being hungry during a long hunt. Caralluma is also consumed in India as vegetable with spices Or made in to chutney or pickles.Nowadays the extract derived from the plant is used to decrease appetite for weight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance. Although not fully characterized, Caralluma fimbriata is believed to...
Supports Weight Reducing action Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and prevention of...
₹ 499.00
₹ 695.00
Supports Cardiac Wellbeing & Healthy blood circulation Promotes healthy Blood circulation & heart muscles strengthening. Helps to promote removal of blockages in arteries. Supports low blood cholesterol & tryglycerides levels. Supports low blood pressure. Arjun Extract - many useful phyto-constituents have been isolated from Terminalia arjuna extract which included triterpenoids, tannins & flavonoids which are useful as anti-oxidants good for cardiovascular system. Arjun extract helps to improve heart muscle pumping by providing more blood to cardiac muscles. Amla Exract – is natural source of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) & other antioxidants which has potential to regenerate heart muscles and arteries to prevent further damage due to exhaustion. Guggul extract – study has shown presence of Guggulosterones which has anti-inflammation and lipid lowering action. This helps to maintain good blood flow within arteries as well as veins. Punarnava Extract – The scientific study has shown presence for useful Alkaloids which helps...
Supports Cardiac Wellbeing & Healthy blood circulation Promotes healthy Blood circulation & heart muscles strengthening. Helps to promote removal of...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Supports General Bone & Cartilage Health Useful for faster Bone healing and as Bone tonic. Supports blood clotting, healing ulcer & as anti-inflammation Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Bixa Hadjod Powder is prepared from roots of Botanical herb Cissus quadrangularis. Cissus quadrangularis is a succulent vine from Africa and Asia continent. Cissus is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in Thailand, and is also used in traditional African and Ayurvedic medicine. All parts of the plant are used for medicine, especially roots. Cissus quadrangularis is a type of plant that is a part of the grape family. It is sometimes referred to as Veldt Grape, Devil's Backbone, Asthisamharaka in Sanskrit and Hadjod as common name. The Hadjod have proven to be very useful in herbal medicines, and can now be accessed in supplement form in many parts of the world. The active ingredients in...
Supports General Bone & Cartilage Health Useful for faster Bone healing and as Bone tonic. Supports blood clotting, healing ulcer...
₹ 499.00
₹ 695.00
Supports Low Blood Sugar & as Antioxidant Supports maintenance & proper functions of pancreas. Supports prevention of diabetic complications & resulting organ damage. Promotes as antioxidant & high energy level. Scientific study has shown that Gudmar or Gymnema Herb extract contains Gymnemic acids which help to reduce absorption of glucose molecules from intestinal lining and improve sugar metabolism at the pancreatic level. These pharmacological actions reduce blood glucose level and maintain lower Glycosylated Haemoglobin level. Methi, Daruharidra & Amala extracts are helpful as digestive, anti-oxidant, lowering Lipid content in Arteries and as general tonic. Methi Extract studies especially has shown presence of 4-hydroxyisoleucine which helps to promote blood flow to heart muscles and decelerate glucose molecule absorption in blood. Bilva extract is helpful as Intestinal cleanser & improves functional properties of pancreatic cells, which in turn reduces blood sugar level. Guduchi, Neem extract help to improve or modulate the immunity,...
Supports Low Blood Sugar & as Antioxidant Supports maintenance & proper functions of pancreas. Supports prevention of diabetic complications &...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Supports Immunity System Useful in body pain, muscle ache and as anti-inflammation. Useful to decrease toxicity in body and as blood purifier. Presence of Bitters is useful in controlling Sugar levels. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Giloy (Botanical Name – Tinospora Cordifolia)is widely known as Guduchi, heart leaved moonseed Or Tinospora. Giloy is indigenous to the tropical areas of India, Myanmar, Srilanka. A plant with as diverse role as Tinospora cordifolia is a versatile resource for all forms of life. There are reports that the plant extracts have active compounds in the form of alkaloids, glycosides, lactones, bitters and steroids. All these active compounds have immune modulator and physiological roles of different types, thereby demonstrating the diverse versatility of the plant!In Ayurveda, Tinospora or Guduchi is considered to be very valuable Herb & used in various generic formulations. As per Ayurvedic Text, Tinospora is pungent, bitter...
Supports Immunity System Useful in body pain, muscle ache and as anti-inflammation. Useful to decrease toxicity in body and as...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Supports Genito-Urinary Health & Muscle build Useful for cleansing bladder & increasing urinary output. Useful for increasing Stamina. Useful in reducing heart and whole body swelling. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Gokhshur/ Gokhru is one of the important trailing plant found throughout India, is also commonly called Small Caltrops & has the botanical name as TribulusTerrestris. In Ayurveda, Tribulus is considered as an important herb & used in various ailments. Gokhshur is considered to be a Rasayan or rejuvenating tonic & has Vatta/Pitta/Kapha pacifying properties. As per Ayurvedic Texts, Gokhru or Tribulus is considered to promote genito-urinary system health and is an important ingredient of various herbal generic medicines which helps to protect heart, liver, and kidneys. Tribulus is used in herbal Decoction or infusion form (by boiling 1-2 tsp in a cup of water for few minutes, cooling, filtering & drinking lukewarm) to support in...
Supports Genito-Urinary Health & Muscle build Useful for cleansing bladder & increasing urinary output. Useful for increasing Stamina. Useful in...
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Bixa Herbal Capsules contain standardised herbal extracts as per their active principles in
recommended dosage, to achieve maximum positive results. The active molecules in herbs are
identified as per their pharmacology actions, processed & extracted hygienically and packed in Veg
capsules. Scientifically researched formulations are made as per various diseases.
recommended dosage, to achieve maximum positive results. The active molecules in herbs are
identified as per their pharmacology actions, processed & extracted hygienically and packed in Veg
capsules. Scientifically researched formulations are made as per various diseases.