₹ 345.00
Supports Skin wellness & blood purification Promotes Joint pain & swelling reducing response Supports healthy digestion & appetite Supports healthy respiratory functions Curcuma amada [Botanical name], the mango ginger or ambehaldi, is a plant of the ginger family Zingiberaceae and is closely related to turmeric. Mango ginger (Curcuma amada) is a unique spice having morphological resemblance with ginger but imparts a raw mango flavour & they are generally used in making pickles in south India and chutneys in north India. The tubers have an agreeable fragrant smell and aromatic taste. Sometimes Infusion of the roots is employed to give the flavour of mango artificially to confectionery. As per Ayurvedic medical sciences Mango ginger is sweet, bitter in taste, coolant in property, pacifies pitta and is potentially beneficial to control heavy Itching sensation. In Ayurveda it is efficiently used for digestion and removal of intestinal gaseous. Nowadays Mango ginger is found...
Supports Skin wellness & blood purification Promotes Joint pain & swelling reducing response Supports healthy digestion & appetite Supports healthy...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Useful as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Helps to inhibit glucose uptake from Intestine & maintains Blood Sugar level. Bitters & Alkaloids present helps to protect pancreatic cells. Helps in improving Liver functions. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Karela (Botanical Name - Momordica Charantia) has many names. In Pakistan, India among other Asian countries, it is known by this name, Karela. In English speaking countries, it’s known as bitter gourd, bitter squash or bitter melon. This cucumber-like fruit with ugly bumps all over is popular due to its various health benefits. As mentioned in Ayurvedic texts Karela or Bitter melon is cold in potency, easily digestible & bitter in taste. Karela has Pitta, Kapha pacifying action & do not aggravate Vata. Bitter melon supports Blood purifying properties & helps in de-toxification. Karela supports facilitation of oxygenated & proper blood flow to skin, which helps to cleanse &...
Useful as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Helps to inhibit glucose uptake from Intestine & maintains Blood Sugar level. Bitters &...
₹ 499.00
₹ 695.00
Supports Skin Wellbeing & as Blood purifier Promotes removal of infections & prevention of skin damage Promotes reduction of Itching & burning sensation Helps to promote ulcer healing & reduction in inflammation As per Ayurvedic science Neem extract is one of the best for skin health. It has bitters, terpenoids, alkaloids which help to promote immunity against infections, detox the skin cells and reduce free radicals as anti-oxidant agent. The Manjistha Extract constituents such as anthroquinones & Flavonoids helps to promote suppression of harmful pathogens present in skin, acts as blood purifier, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation. Manjistha Extract supports healthy pigmentation & natural glow to skin. Bhringaraj extract contains triterpenes, Flavonoids which helps to detoxify the skin by stimulating Liver functions. Devdaru Herb helps to reduce skin Itching sensation and as Blood purifier. Khadir is considered to be potent blood purifier with anti-pruritic property and useful in various skin disorders. Lodhra...
Supports Skin Wellbeing & as Blood purifier Promotes removal of infections & prevention of skin damage Promotes reduction of Itching...
₹ 345.00
Supports as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Promotes low glucose uptake from Intestine & maintenance of Blood Sugar level. Bitters & Alkaloids present supports healthy pancreatic cells functions. Promotes improvement of Liver functions. Considered to be useful in Skin Diseases & as blood oxygenetor. Karela (Botanical Name - Momordica Charantia) has many names. In Pakistan, India among other Asian countries, it is known by this name, Karela. In English speaking countries, it’s known as bitter gourd, bitter squash or bitter melon. This cucumber-like fruit with ugly bumps all over is popular due to its various health benefits. As mentioned in Ayurvedic texts Karela or Bitter melon is cold in potency, easily digestible & bitter in taste. Karela has Pitta, Kapha pacifying action & do not aggravate Vata. Bitter melon supports Blood purifying properties & helps in de-toxification. Karela supports facilitation of oxygenated & proper blood flow to skin, which helps to...
Supports as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Promotes low glucose uptake from Intestine & maintenance of Blood Sugar level. Bitters &...
₹ 595.00
Supports Blood Clotting & as Anti-oxidants Supports bacteria fighting response & urinary tract health Supports Loose motions control response Supports as astringent response in bleeding gums Majuphal consists of dried galls found on Quercus infectoria tree (Fam. Fagaceae), a small tree or shrub, 2 to 5 meter high, native of Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Persia and Iran. The galls are excrescences on the twigs, resulting from the puncture & deposit of an egg or eggs of an insect (Cynips gallae tinctoria) on the rudimentary leaves, buds of various species of oak. These are known as Oak galls & are generally imported into India.As per Ayurveda Majuphal is astringent, dry and light in nature; cool in potency and helps to pacify pitta & kapha. In Ayurveda it has been successfully used for controlling loose motions in intestinal problems, piles, Women gynaecological irregular discharges, dental infections and swellings in the gums. In...
Supports Blood Clotting & as Anti-oxidants Supports bacteria fighting response & urinary tract health Supports Loose motions control response Supports...
₹ 345.00
₹ 395.00
Supports healthy & brighten skin Helps to remove harmful toxins and excess heat from the blood. It Supports cleansing of blood Supports healthy function of liver and urinary system. Manjistha, or Rubia Cordifolia is a branched climber growing in North-west Himalayas, Nilgiris & other hilly districts of India with small, greenish white/pale yellow flowers that are arranged in a cluster of round, fleshy, red to black berries.From the point of view of Ayurvedic Concept of Tridosha’s, Manjistha calms aggravated pitta and breaks up congested kapha. Many pitta-aggravated imbalances in the body, especially those of the blood, may be supported by Manjistha’s affinity for balancing pitta.As many menstrual problems are a result of congested lymph, Manjistha is superb support for the female reproductive system, especially during the child-birthing years.Because of its effect on for the lymph, Manjistha is considered one of the best herbs for skin – supporting the skin in...
Supports healthy & brighten skin Helps to remove harmful toxins and excess heat from the blood. It Supports cleansing of...
₹ 499.00
₹ 589.00
Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Supports Digestive System Helpful as an anti-oxidant agent and maintains good blood flow towards heart muscles Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Papaya or Papaw (Botanical Name - Carica Pappaya) is a valuable tree commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India; indigenous in America. Carica papaya is cultivated for its edible ripe fruit; its juice is a popular beverage, and its young leaves, shoots, and fruits are cooked as a vegetable. Scientific studies of Papaya leaves shows presence of important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron for Vitality, increasing Immunity & platelets. The presence alkaloid, glucoside and enzyme called papain in papaya Leaf supports healthy blood circulation to heart muscles and aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally.Papaya plant is...
Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Supports Digestive System...
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