Herbal Powders
₹ 465.00
₹ 495.00
Supports healthy nervine functions Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido & Performance Improves testosterone level, sperm count in male Supports Oral Salivary & Dental health Helps to promote brain functions Supports analgesic response in joint pains Akarkara/ Pellitory [Botanical name: Anacyclus pyrethrum] is a perennial herb much like chamomile in habitat and appearance. Pellitory is found in North Africa, elsewhere in the Mediterranean region, in the Himalayas, in North India, and in Arabian countries. Ayurveda (the ancient & authentic Indian medicine system) and Siddha (the medicine system from Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India) have mentioned medical uses for this plant root and is called Akkal-Kara in Hindi, Akkal Kadha in Marathi. Shodhal Nighantu (Gada nigrah), An authentic Ayurvedic text, has described firstly Akarkara as one of the potent tonic which supports healthy reproductive as well as Nervine system. As per Ayurveda Pellitory is Pungent in taste, Hot in potency...
Supports healthy nervine functions Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido & Performance Improves testosterone level, sperm count in male Supports Oral...
₹ 595.00
Promotes Smooth Purgation Supports healthy digestion & detoxification Promotes fever reducing response Supports healthy skin & immunity Amaltas is the pulp collected from the ripe fruit of cassia fistula plant & dried. Aragvadha is a Sanskrit word, which means to eliminate the disease. Amaltas is used as a medicine in Ayurveda, Siddha and unani system of medicine. In Ayurveda it is mainly indicated in Skin diseases and as a mild laxative in children. As per Ayurvedic science Amaltas is found useful to clear unwanted undigested material (AAM) and detoxify whole digestive tract. Ayurveda also mentions the use Amaltas (boiled in milk) to decrease excessive heat by Virechan (purgation) in Pitta vitiated cases. Many poly-herbal formulations are mentioned in Ayurveda which contain Aragvadh, useful in Skin disorders, intestinal infections, fever, digestion & constipation. Purging cassia Powder is also found useful to support healthy skin & as blood purifier. Regular intake of...
Promotes Smooth Purgation Supports healthy digestion & detoxification Promotes fever reducing response Supports healthy skin & immunity Amaltas is the...
₹ 325.00
₹ 345.00
Supports as Natural VIT C Supplement Supports as Anti-Oxidant & helps in damaged cells repair. Supports cardiac health & low bad cholesterol levels. Supports boost in Immunity and high energy in weak body. Amla known as Indian gooseberry (Botanical name – Emblica Officinalis ) is very important and largely used herb in Ayurvedic medicinal formulations. It grows throughout India, bears sour-tasting gooseberry-like fruits & is also known by the Sanskrit name "Amalaki." In Sanskrit other nicknames for amla have meaning "mother," "nurse," and "immortality"—which proves healing capacity of its fruits. Amla as per Ayurveda has Vitiated Tridosha (Vatta, Pitta, Kapha) pacifying capacity; especially it prevents excessive formation & accumulation of Pitta. Amla helps to flush toxins & rejuvenates all of the tissues in the body and re-energize ojas, the essence of immunity and youthfulness. Amla helps for digestion in macro & micro levels and in the absorption of important nutrients...
Supports as Natural VIT C Supplement Supports as Anti-Oxidant & helps in damaged cells repair. Supports cardiac health & low...
₹ 695.00
Supports as cooling herb & healthy skin, kidney functions Supports prevention of excessive heat in blood & helps as blood purifier also. It helps to lower hyperacidity & gastric problem. It supports as an anti-oxidant. Indian Sarsaparilla (Botanical – Hemidesmus indicus) or Sariva or Anantmul is climbing twinner plant found throughout India, common in Bengal, Bombay presidency and extending to Travancore and Ceylon. Indian Sarsaparilla root is globally recognized for medicinal properties and as per Ayurveda is useful to balance equilibrium in 3 Doshas – vata, pitta, kapha. As per ayurvedic texts Anantmool is believed to possess Stimulant & Natural Anabolic Steroidal action on human body. The Fragrant Root barks of Sariva are prescribed in dyspepsia, loss of appetite, nutritional disorders, fever, skin diseases, and ulcerations especially those of syphilitic origin, leucorrhoea & rheumatism. Scientific study has shown presence of Saponins in Sarsaparilla which helps to promote urine production and...
Supports as cooling herb & healthy skin, kidney functions Supports prevention of excessive heat in blood & helps as blood...
₹ 415.00
₹ 445.00
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Supports healthy reproductive system in both males and females. Promotes relief in Joint Pain & Inflammation Ashwagandha/ Asvagandha/ Asgandha (Botanical Name: Withania Somnifera) is referred as Indian ginseng, helps to provide natural source of energy and promote muscle strength. Ashwagandha has been used by Ayurveda for thousands of years as rasāyana (rejuvenation) and helps as a natural adaptive agent. Ashwagandha supports as a physiological and psychological Natural Stress-relief agent. In Sanskrit, it is known by the name Ashwagandha, which means the odor of a horse. It is named so because of the odor of horse sweat that the roots seem to emanate, as well as the virility of a horse, an inference to the traditional use of ashwagandha to support a healthy male reproductive system.Ashwagandha, as per Ayurveda, has Vat and Kapha...
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Supports healthy reproductive...
₹ 440.00
₹ 475.00
Supports Appetite Suppression & Fat Metabolism Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and prevention of fat deposition Caralluma (Botanical name – Caralluma Fimbriata) is a succulent plant (cactus) from India. In India Caralluma grows wild and is often used as a border in gardens and as a roadside shrub. Caralluma is also found in the wild in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Canary Islands, Afghanistan, and Southern Europe. Traditionally, Indian tribes used to chew chunks of Caralluma plant to keep from being hungry during a long hunt. Caralluma is also consumed in India as vegetable with spices Or made in to chutney or pickles. Nowadays the extract derived from the plant is used to decrease appetite for weight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance. Although not fully characterized, Caralluma fimbriata is believed to work via active bio molecules called...
Supports Appetite Suppression & Fat Metabolism Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and...
₹ 555.00
₹ 595.00
Supports immunity to fight Infections Regular seed-water wash as collyrium supports eye health Supports healthy urinary output Promotes ulcer healing & blood clotting response Chaksu [Botanical name - Cassia absus (Family: Fabaceae)] is commonly known as “Jasmeejaz” in English and “Chakur/ Chimed” in Hindi & used in India for its medicinal value. Chaksu grows as a sticky plant in almost all the states of India particularly North-West India, in the foot of Himalayas and in Ceylon. As per Sanskrit literature “Chaksu” means eyes which correlate the usefulness of the Cassia absus herb. The seeds and leaves of Chaksu plant is used as edible part. Traditionally the Chaksu is used in the skin diseases and eye ailments. The Chimed seeds have a bitter, bad taste and supports diuretic, cathartic actions. Chaksu also helps to promote healthy liver and kidney functions. Chaksu seeds water when used regularly is said to be helpful...
Supports immunity to fight Infections Regular seed-water wash as collyrium supports eye health Supports healthy urinary output Promotes ulcer healing...
₹ 495.00
Supports healthy digestion & appetite Promotes digestion of fats & absorption of nutrients Supports healthy function of liver & spleen Supports optimal weight management & removal of toxins Chitrakmul or White Leadwort [Bot name – Plumbago zeylanica] plant is said to be growing wild in Bengal, UP, Southern India, Ceylon. Plumbago zeylanica is a perennial under shrub, 1.5–2.0 m tall, with ram-bling branches and its growth occurs during rainy season and ceases in post-flowering stage. Chitrak can be grown as an intercrop with many fruit trees, for example, guava, mango or citrus orchards. As per Ayurveda, Chitrak is Pungent, Hot, and Dry in Potency and has Vatta/ Kapha pacifying properties. Chitrak is found to be ideal for digestion of heavy foods, toxins and increasing appetising. Ayurveda mentions its properties as removal of toxins from Skin by way of increased sweating & healthy metabolism of unwanted fats. Hence Chitrak supports lean...
Supports healthy digestion & appetite Promotes digestion of fats & absorption of nutrients Supports healthy function of liver & spleen...
₹ 595.00
Supports Healthy Kidney & Digestive Function Supports removal of toxins & harmful germs Supports healthy lymphatic system Promotes pain reducing response in joints Chobchini/ Chopchini/ China root [Botanical Name: Smilax china] is a evergreen and deciduous shrub that grows about 10mt in height. Smilax china is basically native to china, Korea, Taiwan and japan but now it is imported or wildly distributed in forests, hillsides and shaded places along valleys in India, Vietnam, Philippines, Vietnam and Myanmar. As per Ayurveda Chopchini herb is bitter in taste and hot in potency. Chobchini is found to be useful to stimulate digestive fire and very effective herb to combat constipation, abdominal distention and severe abdominal pain. Chobchini supports bodies’ physiological function to eliminate wastes of urines and faeces. China root may be effective for pacifying body pain and works on aggravated vata dosha.As per scientific study Chobchini contains fats, sugars, glucoside,saponins. Regular use...
Supports Healthy Kidney & Digestive Function Supports removal of toxins & harmful germs Supports healthy lymphatic system Promotes pain reducing...
₹ 395.00
Supports healthy metabolism & weight management Supports as antioxidant & healthy heart functions Promotes blood vessels dialation & helps in high blood pressure Supports healthy skin & immunity Coleus Forskohlii is a fleshy, perennial herb, which has an aroma similar to camphor; its spiked flowers are typical of the mint family. Coleus is a hardy plant, growing on the dry slopes of the lower Himalayas and the plains in Uttar Pradesh, Northern India. However, coleus has long been cultivated in India, Thailand and also in other parts of South East Asia. Coleus has a 3000-year history in Ayurvedic medicine (known as Gandira) and is mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts as a tonic for a healthy heart and lungs. Nowadays, coleus is not just a herb for cardiovascular ailments but is increasingly used to assist weight loss by breaking down adipose tissue and preventing production of further fatty tissue. In addition,...
Supports healthy metabolism & weight management Supports as antioxidant & healthy heart functions Promotes blood vessels dialation & helps in...
₹ 345.00
Supports Healthy Brain function Supports as sensory organ tonic especially for speech disability. Contains Tri-terpenes helpful to improve overall health and longevity. Saponins helps to improve fluid circulation & prevent Joint inflammation. Centella asiatica (Botanical Name) is also known as Brahma-manduki, Mandukaparni in Sanskrit and nowadays it is commonly known as Gotu Kola. For medicinal purpose the leaves of the plant or whole plant is also used. Mandukaparni or Gotu kola is a soft herb found all over India near marshy areas up to 600 meters. Its leaves have shape and appearance like a webbed feet of frog (In Sanskrit Mandook means frog, and Parni means leaf). Ayurveda mentions Gotu kola uses as Brahmi Herb (Bacopa) especially helps for treating brain disorders, skin diseases, neural disorders and insomnia due to its adaptogen property, central nervous system relaxant, sedative, detoxifier, blood-purifier, laxative, diuretic, emmenagogue properties. Ayurveda mentions that regular intake of...
Supports Healthy Brain function Supports as sensory organ tonic especially for speech disability. Contains Tri-terpenes helpful to improve overall health...
₹ 425.00
₹ 445.00
Supports Fat Metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels & healthy Blood Circulation Green Coffee Extract is obtained from unroasted green coffee bean of plant Coffea Robusta. While roasting the chemical composition of Coffee bean get altered or diminished, hence unroasted green beans are used for extraction. Green coffee bean extracts are rich in antioxidants, which helps to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals in our body and take care of our overall health including improving Immunity. Regular use of Green coffee bean can help to promote energy and stamina. A number of studies have confirmed that raw and unprocessed green coffee beans possess natural, pure Chlorogenic Acid (CGA), which is basically an ester of caffeic acid having strong antioxidant properties. Studies suggest that Green coffee can put a check on the levels of glucose in our bloodstream. Green...
Supports Fat Metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels &...
₹ 370.00
₹ 395.00
Supports Normal blood sugar levels Supports as a Digestive Stimulant & delay in absorption of sugar from food. Supports healthy pancreatic functions Contains Gymnemic acids which promotes healthy sugar metabolism. Gudmar (Bot. Name - Gymnema sylvestre) is a herb native to Asia that has being used medicinally for thousands of years in India. Accordingly to ayurveda it is called Gudmar, which literally means ‘Sugar-Destroyer’. Also if we chew Gudmar leaves, then our tongue becomes dead to Sugar taste for 1-2 hours. Gudmar helps to maintain healthy Blood sugar levels by stimulating pancreatic secretions & its function to metabolise excessive sugar. As per Bhavprakash Nighantu (Ancient Ayurvedic Text), Gudmar herb is bitter in taste, has pungent taste after digestion, with dry in properties & aggravates Vata dosha. Gudmar supports regularizing bowel movements, improving digestion, suppressing sugar cravings & healthy glucose metabolism. Gudmar or Gymnema Powder when taken with warm water early...
Supports Normal blood sugar levels Supports as a Digestive Stimulant & delay in absorption of sugar from food. Supports healthy...
₹ 445.00
Supports Natural Hair Health Supports overall Cooling and refrigerant response Helpful in inflammation of urinary & genital tract. Externally very useful as Hair Tonic. Hibiscus [Botanical Name - Hibiscus sabdariffa] also known as shoe flower/ Gudhal/ Jaswand are grown all over Indian continent in backyard and is considered Sacred used in daily Puja/Prayers. Hibiscus is used from ancient times & in Ayurveda it is used as Natural Hair Tonic. As per Ayurvedic texts Hibiscus or Gudhal Powder when taken internally helps to pacify Kapha/ vata and has absorbent action. Externally Hibiscus Powder is used as scalp paste with rose water, kept for 1-2 hours & washed with plain water. This supports hair follicles, decrease extra heat & prevent hair loss. Hibiscus Powder also helps to colour the hair and growth of the hair follicles. Regular use of Hibiscus Powder on hairs helps to conditioning & moisturizing it. Numerous Ayurvedic oils...
Supports Natural Hair Health Supports overall Cooling and refrigerant response Helpful in inflammation of urinary & genital tract. Externally very...
₹ 405.00
₹ 425.00
Supports healthy Stomach and respiratory functions Supports as antioxidant & natural aphrodisiac Helps to promote sugar control & urine incontinence Supports to control bad breadth & toothache when applied on gums Kulinjan / Mahabharivach / Greater galangal [Botanical Name: Alpinia galangal], a plant in the ginger family, is an herb used in cooking in Southeast Asia. Kulanjan or greater galangal tree is found commonly in South India and Bengal province. The dried rhizome of kulanjan is pulverized to obtain the Powder which is used extensively for several medicinal purposes. Kulanjan herb is highly aromatic that contains very strong spicy flavour. As per Ayurveda Kulanjan is hot in potency which helps to reduce phlegm and clear airways for proper respiration. Kulinjan may help to reduce sore throat and support broncho-dialation, to reduce chest congestion. Ayurveda recommends using greater galangal for oral and voicing problems. Ayurveda says Kulinjan is useful to pacify...
Supports healthy Stomach and respiratory functions Supports as antioxidant & natural aphrodisiac Helps to promote sugar control & urine incontinence...
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Bixa herbal powders are procured raw, directly from farmers or from forest- tribal areas, processed
hygienically & as per GMP standard and stored in a cool, dry place. Herbal powders are tested in a
scientific way and in a well-equipped modern Lab, managed by highly trained professionals with use
of UV, HPLC. The processed raw materials pass the stringent Quality Control and are packed in
customer friendly Jars with utmost care & sold in reasonable rates.
hygienically & as per GMP standard and stored in a cool, dry place. Herbal powders are tested in a
scientific way and in a well-equipped modern Lab, managed by highly trained professionals with use
of UV, HPLC. The processed raw materials pass the stringent Quality Control and are packed in
customer friendly Jars with utmost care & sold in reasonable rates.