1 kg
₹ 425.00
₹ 495.00
Supports testosterone & overall energy boost Contains Natural Glycoprotein which supports libido & male performance Supports fever reducing response Supports immunity and healthy metabolic functions Tongkat ali [botanical name - Eurycoma longifolia] is a shrub native to Southeast Asia. In Indonesia it is known as pasak bumi; in Malaysia as tongkat ali and in Thailand cay ba binh. Tongkat ali and longjack are the most commonly used names for the herb in the Western world. Tongkat Ali is probably best known for enhancing vitality, but this remarkable herb provides broad adaptogenic and balancing properties for both women and men. The list of traditional uses is long and includes promoting general vitality with aging, enhancing strength, muscle mass and bone mass, supporting balanced mood, strengthening stress tolerance, and supporting energy and general health. Tongkat ali supports immunity and fever reducing actions. Recent World wide scientific studies in both laboratory animals and...
Supports testosterone & overall energy boost Contains Natural Glycoprotein which supports libido & male performance Supports fever reducing response Supports...
₹ 415.00
₹ 445.00
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Supports healthy reproductive system in both males and females. Promotes relief in Joint Pain & Inflammation Ashwagandha/ Asvagandha/ Asgandha (Botanical Name: Withania Somnifera) is referred as Indian ginseng, helps to provide natural source of energy and promote muscle strength. Ashwagandha has been used by Ayurveda for thousands of years as rasāyana (rejuvenation) and helps as a natural adaptive agent. Ashwagandha supports as a physiological and psychological Natural Stress-relief agent. In Sanskrit, it is known by the name Ashwagandha, which means the odor of a horse. It is named so because of the odor of horse sweat that the roots seem to emanate, as well as the virility of a horse, an inference to the traditional use of ashwagandha to support a healthy male reproductive system.Ashwagandha, as per Ayurveda, has Vat and Kapha...
Supports Immunity, Overall energy & good sleep Promotes reduction in stress level & improvement in sleep quality. Supports healthy reproductive...
₹ 270.00
₹ 295.00
Supports Healthy Immunity System Useful in body pain, muscle ache and supports as anti-inflammation. Useful to decrease toxicity in body and supports as blood purifier. Presence of Bitters promotes low blood Sugar levels. Giloy (Botanical Name – Tinospora Cordifolia)is widely known as Guduchi, heart leaved moonseed Or Tinospora. Giloy is indigenous to the tropical areas of India, Myanmar, Srilanka. A plant with as diverse role as Tinospora cordifolia is a versatile resource for all forms of life. There are reports that the plant extracts have active compounds in the form of alkaloids, glycosides, lactones, bitters and steroids. All these active compounds have immune modulator and physiological roles of different types, thereby demonstrating the diverse versatility of the plant!In Ayurveda, Tinospora or Guduchi is considered to be very valuable Herb & used in various generic formulations. As per Ayurvedic Text, Tinospora is pungent, bitter in taste, sweet after digestion & hot...
Supports Healthy Immunity System Useful in body pain, muscle ache and supports as anti-inflammation. Useful to decrease toxicity in body...
₹ 265.00
₹ 295.00
Supports Laxative & Intestinal Purgation response Promotes improvement of Bowel/gut motility, removal of unwanted/undigested materials & clearance of the blockages Supports elimination of foul smelling & toxic fluid content from stomach tissues Indian Senna also known as Sonamukhi (Botanical name – Cassia angustifolia) is an annual leguminous herb cultivated extensively in the southern parts of the country for its pods and leaves which are used in Ayurveda as well as in modern system of medicines. Senna leaves is generally used for its laxative properties. In scientific study of Senna, anthraquinones, sennosides, numerous minor sennosides have been identified, and all appear to contribute to the laxative effect. These compounds work as a laxative by smoothing & relaxing the tissues, as digested food moves through the intestines. It helps to eliminate Vitiated & putrefied Pitta through motion and gives relief in fever caused by excessive Pitta. Senna supports reduction of ascitis (fluid...
Supports Laxative & Intestinal Purgation response Promotes improvement of Bowel/gut motility, removal of unwanted/undigested materials & clearance of the blockages...
₹ 1,545.00
₹ 1,695.00
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Tanins present has astringent action which helps to heal ulcers. Helps to regulate bad cholesterol and clear heart blockages. As per scientific study Arjun bark extract powder is rich in Tanins, saponnins, natural anti-oxidants (flavonoids) gallic acid, ellagic acid, proanthocyanidins, phytosterols, and minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. Regular use of Arjun Extract capsules improves the pumping activity of heart, improves cardiac muscle strength, helps healing of ulcers. Arjun Extract capsules are believed to have ability to suppress the blood’s absorption of lipids which indicates that it has cholesterol-regulating properties. Arjun Extract induces a drug-dependent decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. Arjun Extract enhances prostaglandins and lowers risk of coronary heart trouble. Intake of Arjun Extract capsules with other medicines may help to relieve symptomatic complaints of essential hypertension such as giddiness,...
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Alkaloid present helps as stimulant to heart muscles & pumping. Tanins present has astringent...
₹ 1,595.00
Supports Genito-Urinary Health & Muscle build Useful for cleansing bladder & increasing urinary output. Useful for increasing Stamina . Useful in reducing heart and whole body swelling. Steroidal Saponin is helpful as Muscles strengthener & supports libido levels. Recent scientific study has confirmed presence of Steroidal Saponins in Tribulus or Gokhsur Extract which helps to build muscles & other tissues. Study also shows presence of phytosterols especially beta-sitosterols that act on various problems associated with prostrate, urinary and cardio-vascular system. Tribulus is given with other herbs as anabolic tonic to gain muscle strength and overall energy level. Gokshur Extract helps to increase libido and gain strength & energy to enhance in male & female. Caltrops or Tribulus Extract helps to clear obstacles in urinary tract, cleans it & helps to remove infection, kidney stones. Regular intake of Gokhru Exract is found beneficial to reduce serum creatinine level. Tribulus extract also...
Supports Genito-Urinary Health & Muscle build Useful for cleansing bladder & increasing urinary output. Useful for increasing Stamina . Useful...
₹ 2,995.00
Supports Safe Laxation Promotes improvement of Bowel/gut motility, removal of unwanted/undigested materials & clearance of the blockages Supports elimination of foul smelling & toxic fluid content from stomach tissues Senna leaves is generally used for its laxative properties. In scientific study of Senna, anthraquinones, sennosides, numerous minor sennosides have been identified, and all appear to contribute to the laxative effect. These compounds work as a laxative by smoothing & relaxing the tissues of gastro-intestinal tract, as digested food moves through the intestines. As per Ayurveda Senna helps to eliminate Vitiated & putrefied Pitta through motion and gives relief in fever caused by excessive Pitta. Senna supports reduction in ascitis (fluid accumulation in stomach layers) with other medicines. Senna aids in removal of toxins from skin layer and removing it from intestines. Sonamukhi helps to remove extra phlegm from lungs and reduce intensity of cough. Scientific studies of senna has shown...
Supports Safe Laxation Promotes improvement of Bowel/gut motility, removal of unwanted/undigested materials & clearance of the blockages Supports elimination of...
₹ 2,345.00
Supports Appetite Suppression & Fat Metabolism
Supports to reduce appetite & food craving
Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and prevention of fat deposition
Nowadays the extract derived from the plant is used to decrease appetite for weight loss. It is also used to quench thirst and to increase endurance. Although not fully characterized, Caralluma fimbriata is believed to work via active bio molecules called “pregnane glycosides” that may down-regulate both ghrelin synthesis in the stomach and neuropeptide-Y in the hypothalamus, thereby resulting in appetite suppression.
Supports Appetite Suppression & Fat Metabolism Supports to reduce appetite & food craving Helpful in reducing Lipid & Carbs and...
₹ 4,995.00
Supports as appetiser & For general wellbeing
Helps to reduce flatulency & reduce intestinal spasms.
Helps to remove extra phlegm & reduce fever.
Helps to improve immunity level & overall blood circulation.
Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free
Cinnamon extract is considered to be a remedy for respiratory, digestive and gynaecological ailments. Scientific studies of Cinnamom have confirmed presence of polyphenols, carbohydrates (dietary fibers), Vitamin k, iron, calcium, magnesium etc. The polyphenls present in cinnamon extract helps as antioxidant, controlling sugar levels, lowering lipid levels & improving cardio-vascular functions.
Supports as appetiser & For general wellbeing Helps to reduce flatulency & reduce intestinal spasms. Helps to remove extra phlegm...
₹ 4,145.00
Supports Fat metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels & healthy Blood Circulation Researchers have found the presence of a very active and powerful aspirin-like ingredient in green coffee beans that imposes a positive impact on our blood vessels by preventing platelets from getting clustered. As a result, our arteries don’t get hardened and the circulation of blood throughout our body is improved to a great extent. The Green coffee extract also helps to reduce bad low density cholesterol & triglycerides thus keeping fatal cardio-vascular diseases at bay. The Chlorogenic Acid present in Green coffee bean Extract is also known as a metabolism booster. It increases the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of our body to a great extent, which minimizes excessive release of glucose from the liver into blood. Due to the lack of glucose, our body starts burning the...
Supports Fat metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels &...
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