Deal Of The Day
₹ 260.00
₹ 345.00
Premium Quality Leaves From Egypt
Best For Hair Growth, can be use to make rosemary water and oil
Strong Aroma & Great Taste, Value For Money Pack
For Flavoring Veg /Non Veg Dishes, Refresher for Tea and Lemonade
Best For Home, Cafes and Restaurants
Bixa Rosemary leaves are carefully selected from the best farms across the globe for a lemon-piney flavor that pairs well with grilled lamb, roast chicken, roasted winter vegetables, potatoes and also a nice addition to focaccia.
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Premium Quality Leaves From Egypt Best For Hair Growth, can be use to make rosemary water and oil Strong Aroma...
₹ 330.00
₹ 345.00
Supports Bone & Cartilage health Supports faster Bone healing response and as Bone tonic Supports blood clotting, healing ulcer & as anti-inflammation Helps to promote weight loss & healthy metabolism Bixa Hadjod Powder is prepared from roots of Botanical herb Cissus quadrangularis. Cissus quadrangularis is a succulent vine from Africa and Asia continent. Cissus is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in Thailand, and is also used in traditional African and Ayurvedic medicine. All parts of the plant are used for medicine, especially roots. Cissus quadrangularis is a type of plant that is a part of the grape family. It is sometimes referred to as Veldt Grape, Devil's Backbone, Asthisamharaka in Sanskrit and Hadjod as common name. The Hadjod have proven to be very useful in herbal medicines, and can now be accessed in supplement form in many parts of the world. The active ingredients in Cissus quadrangularis...
Supports Bone & Cartilage health Supports faster Bone healing response and as Bone tonic Supports blood clotting, healing ulcer &...
₹ 299.00
₹ 345.00
Great source of energy and stamina. Supports Joint Health & General Nutrition. Supports removal of blockages in blood and healthy heart pumping. Promotes improvement in digestion and absorption of nutrition from food. Contains Anti-oxidants, essential nutrients & is useful for blood circulation. Premium Quality. First Choice Of Sports Players Who Need Energy and Stamina Moringa (commonly known as drum stick, Shigru/ Sahinjan, botanical name – Moringa oleifera) is a plant that is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It is also grown in the tropics. The leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and root are used to make medicine. Ayurveda mentions that it is useful in pacifying Vitiated kapha/vata, promotes adequate blood flow to heart muscles & low blood lipid levels. Ayurveda says, by virtue of its properties of Tikshna & Ushna it supports healthy digestion and non accumulation of waste materials, toxins & fat cells....
Great source of energy and stamina. Supports Joint Health & General Nutrition. Supports removal of blockages in blood and healthy...
₹ 425.00
₹ 495.00
Supports testosterone & overall energy boost Contains Natural Glycoprotein which supports libido & male performance Supports fever reducing response Supports immunity and healthy metabolic functions Tongkat ali [botanical name - Eurycoma longifolia] is a shrub native to Southeast Asia. In Indonesia it is known as pasak bumi; in Malaysia as tongkat ali and in Thailand cay ba binh. Tongkat ali and longjack are the most commonly used names for the herb in the Western world. Tongkat Ali is probably best known for enhancing vitality, but this remarkable herb provides broad adaptogenic and balancing properties for both women and men. The list of traditional uses is long and includes promoting general vitality with aging, enhancing strength, muscle mass and bone mass, supporting balanced mood, strengthening stress tolerance, and supporting energy and general health. Tongkat ali supports immunity and fever reducing actions. Recent World wide scientific studies in both laboratory animals and...
Supports testosterone & overall energy boost Contains Natural Glycoprotein which supports libido & male performance Supports fever reducing response Supports...
₹ 425.00
₹ 445.00
Supports Fat Metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels & healthy Blood Circulation Green Coffee Extract is obtained from unroasted green coffee bean of plant Coffea Robusta. While roasting the chemical composition of Coffee bean get altered or diminished, hence unroasted green beans are used for extraction. Green coffee bean extracts are rich in antioxidants, which helps to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals in our body and take care of our overall health including improving Immunity. Regular use of Green coffee bean can help to promote energy and stamina. A number of studies have confirmed that raw and unprocessed green coffee beans possess natural, pure Chlorogenic Acid (CGA), which is basically an ester of caffeic acid having strong antioxidant properties. Studies suggest that Green coffee can put a check on the levels of glucose in our bloodstream. Green...
Supports Fat Metabolism Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Supports as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels &...
₹ 330.00
₹ 345.00
Supports Low Sugar Levels Promotes prevention of tissue & cells damage. Supports reduction of thirst and proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols which supports low blood Sugar & as Anti-oxidant. Jamun (Botanical – Eugenia jambolana), also popularly known as jambul, jambolan, java plum is a nutritious seasonal fruit found in abundance in Asia. Jamun fruit is eaten as a health snack in many parts of the world. Jamun is a delicious tropical plum-like fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruit, seeds, bark and leaves of Jambul have medicinal properties. Jamun is loaded with antioxidants and Flavonoids essential for a healthy body and mind. As compared with other fruits, Jambul provides lesser calories making it the perfect choice in a healthy diet! Jamun helps as Astringent in action and has alleviated Kapha/pitta reducing property. Jamun is widely distributed throughout India and ayurvedic medicine (Indian folk medicine) mentions its use for the treatment of...
Supports Low Sugar Levels Promotes prevention of tissue & cells damage. Supports reduction of thirst and proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols...
₹ 330.00
₹ 345.00
Promotes Urinary output Naturally Promotes adequate urinary output & reduction of water retention in body. Supports healthy function of Kidney, Heart and Liver. Supports healthy digestion and haemoglobin levels. Punarnava Or Hogweed (Latin name: Boerhaavia diffusa) is rightly called as Shothagni in Sanskrit (which means Oedema reducer). In Ayurveda Punarnava is first line of treatment as Diuretic for whole body oedema due to various reasons. Literally meaning "the one that renews", Punarnava is well known in Ayurveda for its health promoting qualities. Hogweed is one of the best herbs for balancing and rejuvenating kapha and is an ingredient in most traditional kapha-reducing formulas. Punarnava is mentioned to have positive effect on Vitiated kapha, pitta dosha’s (Humors of body) and on blood disorders. Scientific study has presence of Nitrates of Potassium & alkaloids, which targets & improves glomeruler filtration rate of Kidney. Punarnava is helpful to remove extra fluids accumulated in...
Promotes Urinary output Naturally Promotes adequate urinary output & reduction of water retention in body. Supports healthy function of Kidney,...
₹ 325.00
₹ 345.00
Supports as Natural VIT C Supplement Supports as Anti-Oxidant & helps in damaged cells repair. Supports cardiac health & low bad cholesterol levels. Supports boost in Immunity and high energy in weak body. Amla known as Indian gooseberry (Botanical name – Emblica Officinalis ) is very important and largely used herb in Ayurvedic medicinal formulations. It grows throughout India, bears sour-tasting gooseberry-like fruits & is also known by the Sanskrit name "Amalaki." In Sanskrit other nicknames for amla have meaning "mother," "nurse," and "immortality"—which proves healing capacity of its fruits. Amla as per Ayurveda has Vitiated Tridosha (Vatta, Pitta, Kapha) pacifying capacity; especially it prevents excessive formation & accumulation of Pitta. Amla helps to flush toxins & rejuvenates all of the tissues in the body and re-energize ojas, the essence of immunity and youthfulness. Amla helps for digestion in macro & micro levels and in the absorption of important nutrients...
Supports as Natural VIT C Supplement Supports as Anti-Oxidant & helps in damaged cells repair. Supports cardiac health & low...
₹ 345.00
Supports as natural hair tonic
Promotes new hair growth and preventing hair loss
Promotes scalp health removing dandruff, itching, and scalp irritation
Promotes hair strengthening & prevent breakage
Conditioning properties makes hair soft & smooth
Prevents premature graying
Supports as natural hair tonic Promotes new hair growth and preventing hair loss Promotes scalp health removing dandruff, itching, and scalp...
₹ 275.00
₹ 295.00
Promotes Healthy Urination Supports healthy digestion & appetite Rich in Potassium which promotes healthy heart function Promotes skin health for itching & various othe disorders Achyranthes aspera (common names: chaff-flower, prickly chaff flower, devil's horsewhip, Sanskrit -Apamarga) is a species of plant in the Amaranthaceae family. It is distributed throughout the tropical world. Apamarga is one of the 21 leaves used in the auspicious yearly Lord Ganesh Puja in India. Achyranthes aspera has occupied a pivotal position in Indian culture and folk medicine. Since ancient times the tribal and rural people of India commonly use this herb in various disorders.Apamarga is widely used as medicinal purposes especially as diuretics and even used for obstetrics and gynaecology purposes (to be taken under medical supervision by pregnant ladies). Prickly chaff flower supports overall digestion, removal of extra phlegm & toxins. Apamarga whole herb promotes blood circulation and heart pumping. A special medicine...
Promotes Healthy Urination Supports healthy digestion & appetite Rich in Potassium which promotes healthy heart function Promotes skin health for...
₹ 465.00
₹ 495.00
Supports healthy nervine functions Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido & Performance Improves testosterone level, sperm count in male Supports Oral Salivary & Dental health Helps to promote brain functions Supports analgesic response in joint pains Akarkara/ Pellitory [Botanical name: Anacyclus pyrethrum] is a perennial herb much like chamomile in habitat and appearance. Pellitory is found in North Africa, elsewhere in the Mediterranean region, in the Himalayas, in North India, and in Arabian countries. Ayurveda (the ancient & authentic Indian medicine system) and Siddha (the medicine system from Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India) have mentioned medical uses for this plant root and is called Akkal-Kara in Hindi, Akkal Kadha in Marathi. Shodhal Nighantu (Gada nigrah), An authentic Ayurvedic text, has described firstly Akarkara as one of the potent tonic which supports healthy reproductive as well as Nervine system. As per Ayurveda Pellitory is Pungent in taste, Hot in potency...
Supports healthy nervine functions Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido & Performance Improves testosterone level, sperm count in male Supports Oral...
₹ 345.00
₹ 395.00
Supports healthy & brighten skin Helps to remove harmful toxins and excess heat from the blood. It Supports cleansing of blood Supports healthy function of liver and urinary system. Manjistha, or Rubia Cordifolia is a branched climber growing in North-west Himalayas, Nilgiris & other hilly districts of India with small, greenish white/pale yellow flowers that are arranged in a cluster of round, fleshy, red to black berries.From the point of view of Ayurvedic Concept of Tridosha’s, Manjistha calms aggravated pitta and breaks up congested kapha. Many pitta-aggravated imbalances in the body, especially those of the blood, may be supported by Manjistha’s affinity for balancing pitta.As many menstrual problems are a result of congested lymph, Manjistha is superb support for the female reproductive system, especially during the child-birthing years.Because of its effect on for the lymph, Manjistha is considered one of the best herbs for skin – supporting the skin in...
Supports healthy & brighten skin Helps to remove harmful toxins and excess heat from the blood. It Supports cleansing of...
₹ 345.00
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Promotes adequate blood flow to heart muscles for proper pumping. Promotes clearance of blood vessels blockages, related to heart muscles. Promotes quick healing of Ulcers & damaged tissues. Arjun, Arjuna or Terminalia arjuna (Latin name) is considered to be Cardiac wellbeing botanical plant used in Ayurveda (East Indian traditional medicine) since 2500 B.C. Arjuna has remarkable cardio-protective, heart muscle strengthening properties. In Ayurveda Arjuna is said to have better effect on Vitiated Kapha & pitta humors of body. Arjun Powder also has absorbent / astringent action, which helps to control Raktapitta or bleeding problem (also by virtue of its vaso constriction action). Arjun helps to reduce frequency of loose motions in dysentery or diarrhoea. Ayurveda mentions use of Arjun powder to promote healing process of wound, especially of person having high blood sugar. As per scientific study Arjun is rich in Tanins, saponnins, natural...
Supports healthy heart & circulatory functions Promotes adequate blood flow to heart muscles for proper pumping. Promotes clearance of blood...
₹ 425.00
₹ 445.00
Supports overall women health It Contains Natural Steriodal Saponins which supports healthy breast milk Supports as general & Uterine tonic and useful in Hot Flashes. Supports in hyperacidity as cooling & soothing herb. Asparagus Racemosus (Satavar, Shatavari, or Shatamull) is a species of Asparagus commonly found throughout Nepal, Sri Lanka, India and the Himalayas. Shatavari or Asparagus Racemosus is an important plant in traditional medicine in tropical and subtropical India. Its medicinal usage has been reported in the Indian and British Pharmacopoeias and in traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha. As per Ayurveda Asparagus is sweet-bitter, cold in potency & mitigates Vata, Pitta & Rakta (Blood) disorders. It promotes intelligence, eyes health & helps to improve milk duct flow (galactagogue) in post-delivery women & is a nutritive rejuvenator. Shatavari also helps to build Ojas, the precious fluid in the body that governs vitality, virility, immunity, and...
Supports overall women health It Contains Natural Steriodal Saponins which supports healthy breast milk Supports as general & Uterine tonic...
₹ 645.00
₹ 645.00
Supports as Coolant & Refrigerant Supports control of excessive monthly periods in women Supports lowering of body heat & increase in Urine output Externally - Helps to hydrate Skin and improve skin glow Rose or Gulab [Botanical name – Rosa Damascena] is a perennial bushy shrub reaching approximately 1 to 2 meters in height with large, showy and colorful flowers. Several species and forms are cultivated in India, out of which Rosa Damascena with its red double flowers is the most important and is cultivated in rose gardens in several places in Bengal, Kashmir, Punjab etc. Rose is planted and cultivated all over the world also but the finest Rosa damascena is grown in Bulgaria and Turkey. The Rose Damascena is one of the most important species of Rosaceae family. The flowers are renowned for their fine fragrance, and are commercially harvested for rose oil (either "rose otto" or "rose...
Supports as Coolant & Refrigerant Supports control of excessive monthly periods in women Supports lowering of body heat & increase...
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