Skin Wellness

Skin Wellness
Neem Leaves Powder  Azadirchta indica
₹ 275.00 ₹ 295.00
Supports Blood Purification & Immunity Contains Bitters which supports as skin cleanser & tonic. Bitters present supports Liver & Pancreatic wellbeing. Supports healthy digestion & low Blood Sugar Levels. Indian Lilac, which is commonly known as Neem, has been an integral part of Ayurveda for the benefits associated with it. It is an herb that is commonly available throughout the year and has benefits that only a few natural products can provide. Neem is considered as a wonder herb and is important for its variety of medicinal uses. The study has shown that Neem Extract supports the immune system to help the body to fight external organisms & promotes healing. Neem helps in overall cooling & cleansing the blood and skin. Overall Neem supports the health of the reproductive system, digestive system, the urinary system, the respiratory system and the circulatory system. In Ayurveda, neem is supposed to have a...
Supports Blood Purification & Immunity Contains Bitters which supports as skin cleanser & tonic. Bitters present supports Liver & Pancreatic...
Haldi/ Turmeric Powder Curcuma Longa
₹ 320.00 ₹ 395.00
Supports anti-inflammatory response, as antioxidant & healthy immunity Supports healthy Immunity & in recurrent respiratory infections. Supports as Anti-oxidant & antiinflammation in Joints Promotes Blood purification and wounds & ulcer healing. Haldi/ Haridra also known as Turmeric Or Curcuma [Botanical Name – Curcuma longa] is an important kitchen ingredient of every household worldwide. Curcuma or Haldi is employed largely as a colouring agent & as condiment entering largely in to the composition of Indian pickles and curry Powder s. As per ancient Ayurvedic Literatures & texts, Turmeric or Haldi is Pungent, Bitter in tastes with hot & dry in potency, pacifies kapha/Pitta dosha’s, helps to diminish various blood disorders & heals skin wounds. In Herbal Medicines Curcuma is usually included in all formulations pertaining to Beauty & cosmetics as Turmeric is considered to be best Skin tonic. Regular use of Haldi cleans the Blood; keeps various Skin ailments away and...
Supports anti-inflammatory response, as antioxidant & healthy immunity Supports healthy Immunity & in recurrent respiratory infections. Supports as Anti-oxidant &...
Aloe vera / Kumari Leaves Powder  Aloe Barbadensis
₹ 275.00 ₹ 295.00
Promotes Digestion & Liver functions Supports Intestinal health & removal of toxic elements Supports healthy menstrual flow in women Supports skin purification & general nourishment Aloevera / gwarpatha/ Kumari/ ghritkumari [Botanical name: Aloe barbadensis] is a stem-less or very short-stemmed plant growing to 60–100 cm (24–39 in) tall, spreading by offsets. Kumari is cultivated throughout India in many varieties some of which run wild as on the coasts of Bombay, Gujarat & south india. The leaves of Aloe vera are succulent, erect, and form a dense rosette. Many medicinal uses are made of the gel obtained from the plant's leaves. Aloe vera has been the subject of much scientific study over the last few years, regarding several claimed therapeutic properties. As per Ayurveda Aloe vera is bitter- sweet in taste, coolant, helps in clearing the bowels. Ayurveda mentions Kumari as Rejuvenating tonic, supports skin wellness and healthy liver’s metabolic activity....
Promotes Digestion & Liver functions Supports Intestinal health & removal of toxic elements Supports healthy menstrual flow in women Supports...
Kaiphal Powder  Myrica Nagi
₹ 345.00
Supports Skin & Respiratory Wellness Promotes relief from chronic cough & sore throat Supports healthy digestion & sugar control External - Supports Skin detoxification and ulcer healing Kaiphal or Katphala [ Botanical name – Myrica esculenta or Myrica Nagi] is globally distributed across Indo-Malesian region. Within India, kaiphal is found in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram. Kaiphal is also called as Box myrtle or Bayberry. As per Ayurvedic science Kaiphal bark is used as medicinal part and helps to pacify aggravated kapha & Vata. Kaiphal Powder supports health during fever, cough & common cold. Ayurveda mentions kaiphal Powder use with dalchini Powder promotes relief from throat soreness, voice hoarseness, and indigestion & tongue bitterness. Ayurveda also mentions use of Kaiphal Powder , as local application on piles with catechu, asafoetida and camphor in ghee, internally also Kaiphal may help...
Supports Skin & Respiratory Wellness Promotes relief from chronic cough & sore throat Supports healthy digestion & sugar control External...
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Bixa skin wellness helps to detoxify the skin, improve oxygenated blood to skin tissue and to resolve
the issues like acne, hypopigmentation, dryness, eczema etc. Ayurveda mentions use of Manjistha,
neem, turmeric, lodhra, khadir, mayphal, devdaru etc for skin ailments which helps to purify skin
tissues, combat various infections of the skin.

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