Skin Wellness
₹ 695.00
Supports as cooling herb & healthy skin, kidney functions Supports prevention of excessive heat in blood & helps as blood purifier also. It helps to lower hyperacidity & gastric problem. It supports as an anti-oxidant. Indian Sarsaparilla (Botanical – Hemidesmus indicus) or Sariva or Anantmul is climbing twinner plant found throughout India, common in Bengal, Bombay presidency and extending to Travancore and Ceylon. Indian Sarsaparilla root is globally recognized for medicinal properties and as per Ayurveda is useful to balance equilibrium in 3 Doshas – vata, pitta, kapha. As per ayurvedic texts Anantmool is believed to possess Stimulant & Natural Anabolic Steroidal action on human body. The Fragrant Root barks of Sariva are prescribed in dyspepsia, loss of appetite, nutritional disorders, fever, skin diseases, and ulcerations especially those of syphilitic origin, leucorrhoea & rheumatism. Scientific study has shown presence of Saponins in Sarsaparilla which helps to promote urine production and...
Supports as cooling herb & healthy skin, kidney functions Supports prevention of excessive heat in blood & helps as blood...
₹ 595.00
Promotes Smooth Purgation Supports healthy digestion & detoxification Promotes fever reducing response Supports healthy skin & immunity Amaltas is the pulp collected from the ripe fruit of cassia fistula plant & dried. Aragvadha is a Sanskrit word, which means to eliminate the disease. Amaltas is used as a medicine in Ayurveda, Siddha and unani system of medicine. In Ayurveda it is mainly indicated in Skin diseases and as a mild laxative in children. As per Ayurvedic science Amaltas is found useful to clear unwanted undigested material (AAM) and detoxify whole digestive tract. Ayurveda also mentions the use Amaltas (boiled in milk) to decrease excessive heat by Virechan (purgation) in Pitta vitiated cases. Many poly-herbal formulations are mentioned in Ayurveda which contain Aragvadh, useful in Skin disorders, intestinal infections, fever, digestion & constipation. Purging cassia Powder is also found useful to support healthy skin & as blood purifier. Regular intake of...
Promotes Smooth Purgation Supports healthy digestion & detoxification Promotes fever reducing response Supports healthy skin & immunity Amaltas is the...
₹ 645.00
₹ 645.00
Supports as Coolant & Refrigerant Supports control of excessive monthly periods in women Supports lowering of body heat & increase in Urine output Externally - Helps to hydrate Skin and improve skin glow Rose or Gulab [Botanical name – Rosa Damascena] is a perennial bushy shrub reaching approximately 1 to 2 meters in height with large, showy and colorful flowers. Several species and forms are cultivated in India, out of which Rosa Damascena with its red double flowers is the most important and is cultivated in rose gardens in several places in Bengal, Kashmir, Punjab etc. Rose is planted and cultivated all over the world also but the finest Rosa damascena is grown in Bulgaria and Turkey. The Rose Damascena is one of the most important species of Rosaceae family. The flowers are renowned for their fine fragrance, and are commercially harvested for rose oil (either "rose otto" or "rose...
Supports as Coolant & Refrigerant Supports control of excessive monthly periods in women Supports lowering of body heat & increase...
₹ 499.00
₹ 695.00
Supports Skin Wellbeing & as Blood purifier Promotes removal of infections & prevention of skin damage Promotes reduction of Itching & burning sensation Helps to promote ulcer healing & reduction in inflammation As per Ayurvedic science Neem extract is one of the best for skin health. It has bitters, terpenoids, alkaloids which help to promote immunity against infections, detox the skin cells and reduce free radicals as anti-oxidant agent. The Manjistha Extract constituents such as anthroquinones & Flavonoids helps to promote suppression of harmful pathogens present in skin, acts as blood purifier, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation. Manjistha Extract supports healthy pigmentation & natural glow to skin. Bhringaraj extract contains triterpenes, Flavonoids which helps to detoxify the skin by stimulating Liver functions. Devdaru Herb helps to reduce skin Itching sensation and as Blood purifier. Khadir is considered to be potent blood purifier with anti-pruritic property and useful in various skin disorders. Lodhra...
Supports Skin Wellbeing & as Blood purifier Promotes removal of infections & prevention of skin damage Promotes reduction of Itching...
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Bixa skin wellness helps to detoxify the skin, improve oxygenated blood to skin tissue and to resolve
the issues like acne, hypopigmentation, dryness, eczema etc. Ayurveda mentions use of Manjistha,
neem, turmeric, lodhra, khadir, mayphal, devdaru etc for skin ailments which helps to purify skin
tissues, combat various infections of the skin.
the issues like acne, hypopigmentation, dryness, eczema etc. Ayurveda mentions use of Manjistha,
neem, turmeric, lodhra, khadir, mayphal, devdaru etc for skin ailments which helps to purify skin
tissues, combat various infections of the skin.