Digestive Wellness

Digestive Wellness
Chitrak Root Powder  Plumbago Zeylanica
₹ 495.00
Supports healthy digestion & appetite Promotes digestion of fats & absorption of nutrients Supports healthy function of liver & spleen Supports optimal weight management & removal of toxins Chitrakmul or White Leadwort [Bot name – Plumbago zeylanica] plant is said to be growing wild in Bengal, UP, Southern India, Ceylon. Plumbago zeylanica is a perennial under shrub, 1.5–2.0 m tall, with ram-bling branches and its growth occurs during rainy season and ceases in post-flowering stage. Chitrak can be grown as an intercrop with many fruit trees, for example, guava, mango or citrus orchards. As per Ayurveda, Chitrak is Pungent, Hot, and Dry in Potency and has Vatta/ Kapha pacifying properties. Chitrak is found to be ideal for digestion of heavy foods, toxins and increasing appetising. Ayurveda mentions its properties as removal of toxins from Skin by way of increased sweating & healthy metabolism of unwanted fats. Hence Chitrak supports lean...
Supports healthy digestion & appetite Promotes digestion of fats & absorption of nutrients Supports healthy function of liver & spleen...
Chopchini Root Powder  Smilax China
₹ 595.00
Supports Healthy Kidney & Digestive Function Supports removal of toxins & harmful germs Supports healthy lymphatic system Promotes pain reducing response in joints Chobchini/ Chopchini/ China root [Botanical Name: Smilax china] is a evergreen and deciduous shrub that grows about 10mt in height. Smilax china is basically native to china, Korea, Taiwan and japan but now it is imported or wildly distributed in forests, hillsides and shaded places along valleys in India, Vietnam, Philippines, Vietnam and Myanmar. As per Ayurveda Chopchini herb is bitter in taste and hot in potency. Chobchini is found to be useful to stimulate digestive fire and very effective herb to combat constipation, abdominal distention and severe abdominal pain. Chobchini supports bodies’ physiological function to eliminate wastes of urines and faeces. China root may be effective for pacifying body pain and works on aggravated vata dosha.As per scientific study Chobchini contains fats, sugars, glucoside,saponins. Regular use...
Supports Healthy Kidney & Digestive Function Supports removal of toxins & harmful germs Supports healthy lymphatic system Promotes pain reducing...
Rose  Petal Powder  | Gulab Phul
₹ 645.00 ₹ 645.00
Supports as Coolant & Refrigerant Supports control of excessive monthly periods in women Supports lowering of body heat & increase in Urine output Externally - Helps to hydrate Skin and improve skin glow Rose or Gulab [Botanical name – Rosa Damascena] is a perennial bushy shrub reaching approximately 1 to 2 meters in height with large, showy and colorful flowers. Several species and forms are cultivated in India, out of which Rosa Damascena with its red double flowers is the most important and is cultivated in rose gardens in several places in Bengal, Kashmir, Punjab etc. Rose is planted and cultivated all over the world also but the finest Rosa damascena is grown in Bulgaria and Turkey. The Rose Damascena is one of the most important species of Rosaceae family. The flowers are renowned for their fine fragrance, and are commercially harvested for rose oil (either "rose otto" or "rose...
Supports as Coolant & Refrigerant Supports control of excessive monthly periods in women Supports lowering of body heat & increase...
Licorice root / Mulethi extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 25% Glycyrrhizin
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Supports Respiratory wellness. Useful as Anti-oxidants and immunity booster. Useful in sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Useful in Acidity & as Mild Laxative. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free ​Licorice Root Extract or Liquorice, is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra herb from which a sweet flavour can be extracted (named Glycyrrhizin) and is commonly called as Jesthimadh or Mulethi. The word licorice is derived (via the Old French licoresse) from the Greek glukurrhiza, meaning "sweet root". Licorice flavours are used as candies or sweeteners, particularly in some European and Middle Eastern countries. Liquorice extracts have a number of medical uses, and they are also used in herbal and folk medications. Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in liquorice as well, including compounds called flavonoids, Glycyrrhizin and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens).Scientific Study conducted suggests that Licorice Extract or Mulethi Extract prevents the breakdown of body's...
Supports Respiratory wellness. Useful as Anti-oxidants and immunity booster. Useful in sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Useful in Acidity...
Mulethi Root Powder | Liquorice Powder
₹ 325.00 ₹ 345.00
Supports Respiratory wellness. Supports as Anti-oxidant and immunity booster. Supports relief from sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Promotes reduction in Hyperacidity & as Mild Laxative. Liquorice, or licorice, is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra herb from which a sweet flavour can be extracted (named Glycyrrhizin) and is commonly called as Jesthimadh or Mulethi. The word liquorice is derived (via the Old French licoresse) from the Greek glukurrhiza, meaning "sweet root". Liquorice flavours are used as candies or sweeteners, particularly in some European and Middle Eastern countries. Liquorice extracts have a number of medical uses, and they are also used in herbal and folk medications. Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in liquorice as well, including compounds called flavonoids, Glycyrrhizin and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). Scientific Study conducted suggests that Licorice or Mulethi Extract prevents the breakdown of body's primary stress-fighting agents, like adrenaline, making these more available...
Supports Respiratory wellness. Supports as Anti-oxidant and immunity booster. Supports relief from sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Promotes reduction...
Papaya Leaves Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg)
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Supports Digestive System Helpful as an anti-oxidant agent and maintains good blood flow towards heart muscles Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Papaya or Papaw (Botanical Name - Carica Pappaya) is a valuable tree commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India; indigenous in America. Carica papaya is cultivated for its edible ripe fruit; its juice is a popular beverage, and its young leaves, shoots, and fruits are cooked as a vegetable. Scientific studies of Papaya leaves shows presence of important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron for Vitality, increasing Immunity & platelets. The presence alkaloid, glucoside and enzyme called papain in papaya Leaf supports healthy blood circulation to heart muscles and aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally.Papaya plant is...
Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Supports Digestive System...
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Bixa Digestive wellness leads to better stomach functions, relief form constipation, indigestion,bloatingness, flatulency, vomiting. Digestive wellness is base of body nutrition, healthy appetite and overall metabolism. Ayurveda says base of all ailments is stomach and herbs like haritaki, black seed, licorice, triphala, Bilva etc are useful to maintain healthy digestive functions.

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