Deal Of The Day

Deal Of The Day
Manjistha Root Powder  Rubia Cordifolia
₹ 345.00 ₹ 395.00
Supports healthy & brighten skin Helps to remove harmful toxins and excess heat from the blood. It Supports cleansing of blood  Supports healthy function of liver and urinary system. Manjistha, or Rubia Cordifolia is a branched climber growing in North-west Himalayas, Nilgiris & other hilly districts of India with small, greenish white/pale yellow flowers that are arranged in a cluster of round, fleshy, red to black berries.From the point of view of Ayurvedic Concept of Tridosha’s, Manjistha calms aggravated pitta and breaks up congested kapha. Many pitta-aggravated imbalances in the body, especially those of the blood, may be supported by Manjistha’s affinity for balancing pitta.As many menstrual problems are a result of congested lymph, Manjistha is superb support for the female reproductive system, especially during the child-birthing years.Because of its effect on for the lymph, Manjistha is considered one of the best herbs for skin – supporting the skin in...
Supports healthy & brighten skin Helps to remove harmful toxins and excess heat from the blood. It Supports cleansing of...
Rose  Petal Powder  | Gulab Phul
₹ 645.00 ₹ 645.00
Supports as Coolant & Refrigerant Supports control of excessive monthly periods in women Supports lowering of body heat & increase in Urine output Externally - Helps to hydrate Skin and improve skin glow Rose or Gulab [Botanical name – Rosa Damascena] is a perennial bushy shrub reaching approximately 1 to 2 meters in height with large, showy and colorful flowers. Several species and forms are cultivated in India, out of which Rosa Damascena with its red double flowers is the most important and is cultivated in rose gardens in several places in Bengal, Kashmir, Punjab etc. Rose is planted and cultivated all over the world also but the finest Rosa damascena is grown in Bulgaria and Turkey. The Rose Damascena is one of the most important species of Rosaceae family. The flowers are renowned for their fine fragrance, and are commercially harvested for rose oil (either "rose otto" or "rose...
Supports as Coolant & Refrigerant Supports control of excessive monthly periods in women Supports lowering of body heat & increase...
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