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Karela Powder  Momordica charantia
₹ 345.00
Supports as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Promotes low glucose uptake from Intestine & maintenance of Blood Sugar level. Bitters & Alkaloids present supports healthy pancreatic cells functions. Promotes improvement of Liver functions. Considered to be useful in Skin Diseases & as blood oxygenetor. Karela (Botanical Name - Momordica Charantia) has many names. In Pakistan, India among other Asian countries, it is known by this name, Karela. In English speaking countries, it’s known as bitter gourd, bitter squash or bitter melon. This cucumber-like fruit with ugly bumps all over is popular due to its various health benefits. As mentioned in Ayurvedic texts Karela or Bitter melon is cold in potency, easily digestible & bitter in taste. Karela has Pitta, Kapha pacifying action & do not aggravate Vata. Bitter melon supports Blood purifying properties & helps in de-toxification. Karela supports facilitation of oxygenated & proper blood flow to skin, which helps to...
Supports as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Promotes low glucose uptake from Intestine & maintenance of Blood Sugar level. Bitters &...
Baheda / Bibhitak Powder Terminalia Belerica
₹ 295.00
Supports Healthy Intestinal Function Promotes reduction of sore throat & removal of excessive phlegm. Supports as anti-oxidant and tonic to eyes & hairs. Promotes removal of toxic or undigested waste from intestine. In Sanskrit, Bibhitak is known as “Vibheetaki” in which ‘bheeta’ means fear and ‘Vibheeta’ means lack of fear. The whole word “Vibheetaki” means the fruit that takes away the fear of disease. Bibhitak or Baheda is one of an important herb in three myrobalans (fruits, Triphalla – 3 fruits), i.e. Amla, Harde and Baheda having Latin Name – Terminalia Bellirica. As per Ayurveda Bibhitak is hot in potency and helps to reduce Vitiated Pitta & kapha dosha’s (Humors) of the body. Bibhitak is a natural laxative and contains dietary fibres which are digestive agents & fights with constipation related problems. This also helps to eliminate problem of piles and anal pain. Bibhitak Powder when taken with Harde and...
Supports Healthy Intestinal Function Promotes reduction of sore throat & removal of excessive phlegm. Supports as anti-oxidant and tonic to...
Madanphal Powder  Randia Dumetorum
₹ 345.00
Promotes removal of toxins through emesis Supports as cough reducing & expectorant response Supports fever reducing response External - supports beneficial response for skin ulcer & pimple Madanphala or Randia dumetorum is a large deciduous thorny shrub which grows up to 5 meters of height. Madanphala occurs throughout the India up to 4000 feet altitude. It is found in foothills of Himalaya from Jammu to Sikkim, it is seen in Gujarat, Tamilnadu, Bengal and South Maharashtra. Madanphala is one of the most common herbs used in Ayurveda which is famous for Panchkarma procedure called Vamana or vomiting therapy. As per Ayurvedic science Madanphala is Light, Dry in properties, Hot in potency and promotes to get rid of alleviated Vata (wind) & Kapha (phlegm/ sticky mucus) dosha. Madanphala helps to eliminate toxic phlegm & undigested food materials. Madanphala helps to pacify symptoms of fever, improves sweating process and reduce body pain...
Promotes removal of toxins through emesis Supports as cough reducing & expectorant response Supports fever reducing response External - supports...
Banaba Leaves Powder Lagerstroemia Speciosa
₹ 295.00
Supports healthy Blood glucose Corosolic acid present supports lipid control & antioxidant Supports low blood pressure & healthy blood flow Supports inflammation lowering response Lagerstroemia speciosa, the tropical flowering tree is one of the most outstanding summer bloomers. Lagerstroemia speciosa or banaba tree is a larger form of the more commonly grown L. indica (Crape myrtle.) It is called Queen Crape Myrtle because it's the Queen of the Crape Myrtles, dominating with grand size and larger, crinkled flowers. The name Crape myrtle is given to these tree/shrubs because of the flowers which look as if made from delicate crape paper. Banaba tree is grown in South East Asia, India and the Philippines & is also widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical areas. Lagerstroemia or Banaba tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and source of materials. The wood is of good...
Supports healthy Blood glucose Corosolic acid present supports lipid control & antioxidant Supports low blood pressure & healthy blood flow...
Lime Peel Powder  Citrus Aurantifolia
₹ 325.00 ₹ 345.00
Promotes Skin Health & Vitality  Promotes Applied with glycerin supports rejuvenation of facial skin. Applied with rose water promotes cooling & rehydration of skin. Regular use as facial pack promote healthy oil balance & toning of skin. Powder with pinch of salt supports teeth whitening & gum cleansing Lime peel Powder is derived from drying fruit rind of Citrus Limonum plant and crushing it. lime peel Powder contains Volatile oil and is used externally from ages. Internally lime peel Powder taken in small quantity approx ½ tsp may be helpful as aromatic, stomachic & carminative when taken with herbal teas, smoothies etc. lime peel Powder can also be used with other spices to improve digestion power. Scientific study has shown presence of Vitamin C, Citric acid & volatile oil in lime peel Powder . Externally it may be used with other ingredients to improve skin texture & quality. lime peel...
Promotes Skin Health & Vitality  Promotes Applied with glycerin supports rejuvenation of facial skin. Applied with rose water promotes cooling...
Kaiphal Powder  Myrica Nagi
₹ 345.00
Supports Skin & Respiratory Wellness Promotes relief from chronic cough & sore throat Supports healthy digestion & sugar control External - Supports Skin detoxification and ulcer healing Kaiphal or Katphala [ Botanical name – Myrica esculenta or Myrica Nagi] is globally distributed across Indo-Malesian region. Within India, kaiphal is found in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram. Kaiphal is also called as Box myrtle or Bayberry. As per Ayurvedic science Kaiphal bark is used as medicinal part and helps to pacify aggravated kapha & Vata. Kaiphal Powder supports health during fever, cough & common cold. Ayurveda mentions kaiphal Powder use with dalchini Powder promotes relief from throat soreness, voice hoarseness, and indigestion & tongue bitterness. Ayurveda also mentions use of Kaiphal Powder , as local application on piles with catechu, asafoetida and camphor in ghee, internally also Kaiphal may help...
Supports Skin & Respiratory Wellness Promotes relief from chronic cough & sore throat Supports healthy digestion & sugar control External...

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