Herbal Capsules

Herbal Capsules
Green Coffee Bean Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg)
₹ 499.00 ₹ 789.00
Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Helps as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels, Blood Circulation & may help fat burning Helps to boost metabolism naturally Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Green Coffee Extract is obtained from unroasted green coffee bean of plant Coffea Robusta. While roasting the chemical composition of Coffee bean get altered or diminished, hence unroasted green beans are used for extraction. Green coffee bean extracts are rich in antioxidants, which helps to reduce the damaging effects of free radicals in our body and take care of our overall health including improving Immunity. Regular use of Green coffee bean can help to promote energy and stamina. A number of studies have confirmed that raw and unprocessed green coffee beans possess natural, pure Chlorogenic Acid (CGA), which is basically an ester of caffeic acid having strong antioxidant properties. Studies suggest that Green...
Supports Appetite Suppression & weight management Helps as Immunity Booster and Anti-oxidant Supports Low Lipid Levels, Blood Circulation & may...
Guggul /Commiphora mukul Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 2.5% Guggulsterones
₹ 499.00 ₹ 789.00
For Cholesterol Support Useful in controlling High Blood Cholesterol & Lipid Levels Useful in Improving Blood Circulation & preventing formation of clots. Supports Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic action in Joint pains. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Guggul Extract capsule (Commiphora Mukul) In ayurveda very useful to control and support cholesterol level & Lipid Metabolism. In Ayurveda Gum Guggul is also known by the names Guggul, Indian Bedellium and has Botanical name as Commiphora mukul. Guggul Extract is the sticky oleo gum resin from the Commiphora Mukul tree which plays a major role in the traditional herbal medicine of India. Ayurveda mentions that Guggul Extract is Bitter, astringent in taste, hot in potency and pungent after digestion, helps to improve blood circulation, decreases Vocal cord swelling & improves voice quality. It is digestive, appetiser, removes extra mucous from channels of the body and helps to reduce sugar levels.Ayurveda...
For Cholesterol Support Useful in controlling High Blood Cholesterol & Lipid Levels Useful in Improving Blood Circulation & preventing formation...
Gymnema / Gudmar Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 25% Gymnemic acids
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Supports Normal blood sugar levels It helps as a Digestive Stimulant & may help to delay absorption of sugar from food. Supports healthy pancreatic functions Contains Gymnemic acids which promotes healthy sugar metabolism. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Gudmar (Bot. Name - Gymnema sylvestre) is a herb native to Asia that has being used medicinally for thousands of years in India. Accordingly to ayurveda it is called Gudmar, which literally means ‘Sugar-Destroyer’. Also if we chew Gudmar leaves, then our tongue becomes dead to Sugar taste for 1-2 hours. Gudmar helps to maintain healthy Blood sugar levels by stimulating pancreatic secretion & its function to metabolise excessive sugar. As per Bhavprakash Nighantu (Ancient Ayurvedic Text), Gudmar herb is bitter in taste, has pungent taste after digestion, with dry in properties & aggravates Vata dosha. Gudmar supports regularizing bowel movements, improving digestion, suppressing sugar cravings & healthy...
Supports Normal blood sugar levels It helps as a Digestive Stimulant & may help to delay absorption of sugar from...
Indian Senna / Sanay Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 20% Sennoside
₹ 485.00 ₹ 489.00
Supports Laxative & Intestinal Clearance response Helps to improve Bowel/gut motility, remove unwanted materials & clear the blockages Helps to eliminate foul smelling & toxic fluid content from stomach covering Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Indian Senna also known as Sonamukhi or Sanay (Botanical name – Cassia angustifolia) is an annual leguminous herb cultivated extensively in the southern parts of the country for its pods and leaves which are used in Ayurveda as well as in modern system of medicines.Senna leaves is generally used for its laxative properties. In scientific study of Senna, anthraquinones, sennosides, numerous minor sennosides have been identified, and all appear to contribute to the laxative effect. These compounds work as a laxative by smoothing & relaxing the tissues of gastro-intestinal tract, as digested food moves through the intestines. As per Ayurveda Senna helps to eliminate Vitiated & putrefied Pitta through motion and...
Supports Laxative & Intestinal Clearance response Helps to improve Bowel/gut motility, remove unwanted materials & clear the blockages Helps to...
Jamun Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 5% Bitters
₹ 485.00 ₹ 555.00
Supports Low Sugar Levels Helps to prevent tissue, cells damage. Helps to reduce thirst and supports proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols which helps to reduce high blood Sugar & acts as Anti-oxidant. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Jamun (Botanical – Eugenia jambolana), also popularly known as jambul, jambolan, java plum is a nutritious seasonal fruit found in abundance in Asia. Jamun fruit is eaten as a health snack in many parts of the world. Jamun is a delicious tropical plum-like fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruit, seeds, bark and leaves of Jambul have medicinal properties. Jamun is loaded with antioxidants and Flavonoids essential for a healthy body and mind. As compared with other fruits, Jambul provides lesser calories making it the perfect choice in a healthy diet!Jamun helps as Astringent in action and has alleviated Kapha/pitta reducing property. Jamun is widely distributed throughout India and ayurvedic...
Supports Low Sugar Levels Helps to prevent tissue, cells damage. Helps to reduce thirst and supports proper digestion. Contains Polyphenols...
Licorice root / Mulethi extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 25% Glycyrrhizin
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Supports Respiratory wellness. Useful as Anti-oxidants and immunity booster. Useful in sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Useful in Acidity & as Mild Laxative. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free ​Licorice Root Extract or Liquorice, is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra herb from which a sweet flavour can be extracted (named Glycyrrhizin) and is commonly called as Jesthimadh or Mulethi. The word licorice is derived (via the Old French licoresse) from the Greek glukurrhiza, meaning "sweet root". Licorice flavours are used as candies or sweeteners, particularly in some European and Middle Eastern countries. Liquorice extracts have a number of medical uses, and they are also used in herbal and folk medications. Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in liquorice as well, including compounds called flavonoids, Glycyrrhizin and various plant estrogens (phytoestrogens).Scientific Study conducted suggests that Licorice Extract or Mulethi Extract prevents the breakdown of body's...
Supports Respiratory wellness. Useful as Anti-oxidants and immunity booster. Useful in sore throat, Cough and as Expectorant. Useful in Acidity...
LIVERIX 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) Supports Liver Wellbeing
₹ 499.00 ₹ 695.00
Supports Liver Wellbeing & Immunity Supports reduction of inflammation in the Liver cells. Promotes reduction of Viral Load in Liver. Supports healthy Bile flow & as anti-oxidant. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free This above formulation has been made after doing thorough research of Ayurvedic ancient texts and Scientific studies using active principles in herbs. The permutation and combination of these Standardised Herbal Extracts have been done keeping in mind efficacy and safety of formulation. The combinations of extracts act on well being of hepatic or liver cells, reducing inflammation and cleansing its channels. The Bitters (Phyllanthin) and Lignans contained in Extract of Bhumyamlaki helps to reduce toxicity in liver with anti-oxidant activity. Kutaki is main ingredient to protect Liver cells, removes toxicity from stomach & Liver by making the stools loose. Kutaki Extract contains Bitter glycoside which helps to reduce viral attack and improve Liver functions....
Supports Liver Wellbeing & Immunity Supports reduction of inflammation in the Liver cells. Promotes reduction of Viral Load in Liver....
Moringa / Shigru Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 1% Alkaloids
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Great source of energy and stamina.  Useful For Joint pain & General Nutrition Supports removal of blockages in blood and normal heart circulation. It helps to improve digestion and absorption of nutrition from food. Contains Anti-oxidants, essential nutrients & is useful for blood circulation. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Moringa (commonly known as drum stick, horse radish, sohanjana, shigru, botanical name – Moringa oleifera) is a plant that is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. Shigru is also grown in the tropics. The leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and root are used to make medicine.Ayurveda mentions that Moringa is useful in pacifying Vitiated kapha/vata, promotes adequate blood flow to heart muscles & low blood lipid levels. Ayurveda says, by virtue of its properties of Tikshna (penetrating) & Ushna (hot) it supports healthy digestion and non accumulation of waste materials, toxins &...
Great source of energy and stamina.  Useful For Joint pain & General Nutrition Supports removal of blockages in blood and...
Mucuna / Kaunch beej Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 15% L-Dopa by HPLC
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Supports as Nervine Tonic. It Contains L-Dopa which helps to resolve neurological problems. It helps as general tonic and muscle builder. Supports as Anti-oxidant to protect cellular tissues of brain. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Mucuna commonly known as Kavacha/ Kaunch beej (Botanical name- Mucuna pruriens) is a tropical legume native to Africa and tropical Asia and widely naturalized and cultivated. Its English common names include velvet bean, cowage, cowitch. The plant is notorious for the extreme itchiness it produces on contact, particularly with the young foliage and the seed pods. Mucuna or Kavacha is well known by two Sanskrit names, Kapikacchu, which means "one starts itching like a monkey" and Atmagupta, which means "secret self," and hints at the therapeutic value of the seed concealed within the allergenic seedpod.In Ayurveda, Mucuna is used from ancient times for various neurological & general debility problems. Mucuna is...
Supports as Nervine Tonic. It Contains L-Dopa which helps to resolve neurological problems. It helps as general tonic and muscle...
Neem Leaf Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 3% Bitters
₹ 489.00
Supports Blood Purification & Immunity Contains Bitters, helpful as skin tonic & cleanser. Bitters present supports Liver & Pancreatic wellbeing. Supports low Blood Sugar Levels. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Indian Lilac, which is commonly known as Neem, has been an integral part of Ayurveda for the benefits associated with it. It is an herb that is commonly available throughout the year and has benefits that only a few natural products can provide. Neem is considered as a wonder herb and is important for its variety of medicinal uses. The study has shown that Neem Extract supports the immune system to help the body to fight external organisms & promotes healing. Neem helps in overall cooling & cleansing the blood and skin. Overall Neem supports the health of the reproductive system, digestive system, the urinary system, the respiratory system and the circulatory system.In Ayurveda, neem is...
Supports Blood Purification & Immunity Contains Bitters, helpful as skin tonic & cleanser. Bitters present supports Liver & Pancreatic wellbeing....
Papaya Leaves Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg)
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Supports Digestive System Helpful as an anti-oxidant agent and maintains good blood flow towards heart muscles Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Papaya or Papaw (Botanical Name - Carica Pappaya) is a valuable tree commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India; indigenous in America. Carica papaya is cultivated for its edible ripe fruit; its juice is a popular beverage, and its young leaves, shoots, and fruits are cooked as a vegetable. Scientific studies of Papaya leaves shows presence of important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron for Vitality, increasing Immunity & platelets. The presence alkaloid, glucoside and enzyme called papain in papaya Leaf supports healthy blood circulation to heart muscles and aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally.Papaya plant is...
Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Supports Digestive System...
RENABIX 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) Supports Diuretic response
₹ 499.00 ₹ 695.00
Supports Diuretic response & overall Urinary tract health. Supports reduction in Inflammation & Burning sensation of Urinary Tract. Promotes Filtration rate & protection of Kidney cells. Supports immunity to fight infections in Urinary tract. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free. Punarnava Extract – From ancient time’s water extract of punarnava has been given for diuretic action, acting mainly on glomerulus (filtration unit) present in kidney & promoting filtration rate. Punarnava extract study has shown presence of an Alkaloid and potassium nitrate which promotes increase in urinary out-put, supports removal of kidney stones and healthy kidney functions.Gokhru extract – The Tribulus or Gokhru extract is useful in various Urinary and genital ailments. Scientific study has shown presence of Nitrates and steroidal saponins which help to reduce inflammation of Urinary tract and increase urinary outflow.Varun Extract – In Ayurvedic science Varun is used for all sort of Urinary Track...
Supports Diuretic response & overall Urinary tract health. Supports reduction in Inflammation & Burning sensation of Urinary Tract. Promotes Filtration...
Safed Musli Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 30% Saponin
₹ 499.00 ₹ 789.00
Supports Strength & Energy. Helpful as Nutritive tonic in General & muscle weakness. Helpful to Improve Strength & performance level. Supports Rejuvenation of Reproductive System. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free. Safed Musali is decorticated rhizome or tuberous root of Chlorophytum borivilianum plant, they are dried and Powder ed. In Ayurveda it is mentioned as bitter in taste, heavy to digest. Safed musli is useful to pacify vitiated Vata and has body nourishing properties. Safed Musali Powder has adequate fibres which help to clear bowel & reduce inflammation of internal piles. In Ayurveda Safed Musali is considered to be one of the best Rejuvenating tonics for all. Safed Musali is also gaining increasing acceptance as a Natural Vitalizer and health-giving tonic, a curative for pre-natal and post-natal problems, a restorative for immunity-improvement and as a useful adjuvant remedy for diabetes and arthritis. The recent discovery of Safed...
Supports Strength & Energy. Helpful as Nutritive tonic in General & muscle weakness. Helpful to Improve Strength & performance level....
Shilajit Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 40% fulvic acid
₹ 599.00 ₹ 789.00
Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido Helpful as Natural General Tonic & Rejuvenator. Helpful to normalise blood sugar levels Contains Fulvic acid, helpful to absorb Vitamins & Nutrients Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Shilajit Extract Capsule (Asphaltum) is as per Ayurvedic science, exudates from Rocky Mountains especially Himalayas, very Useful to Increase Vigour, Vitality, Stamina & Strength. As Rocky Mountains along with minerals get overheated by consistent Sunrays, multiple minerals liquefy and exudates like resins or gums from plants, it is collected and purified.This exudate is also known as Shilajeet or Shilajatu or Mineral pitch and usually exudates from Himalayan Range of Mountains (Between India & Nepal) is collected. An ancient authentic Ayurvedic text, called the Charaka Samhita, states that there is no curable disease in the universe, which is not effectively cured by Purified Shilajit when it is administered at the appropriate time. In Sanskrit...
Supports Strength, Stamina & Healthy Libido Helpful as Natural General Tonic & Rejuvenator. Helpful to normalise blood sugar levels Contains...
Triphala Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 40% Tannins
₹ 489.00
Supports Colon Cleanse. Detoxification & as antioxidant Supports Low Cholesterol Level. Helpful as harmless purgative and in removing toxins from body. Helpful in preventing premature degradation of cells. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Triphala is an Ayurvedic traditional generic medicine that is popular as rasayana or the rejuvenator. Triphala is the combination of three wonderful herbs/ myrobalans - Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia belerica in equal quantity. Triphala Powder is used to balance the doshas (the elements of body and mind), especially it pacifies vitiated Kapha/pitta and supports enhancement in the process of digestion and elimination of toxins. Triphala Extract supports laxative and carminative action, which helps to relieve constipation, flatulence, gas, and abdominal distension.Triphala Extracts helps to approach weight loss in a different way; rather than focusing on eating less and exercising more, Triphala works to cleanse the digestive system and promote healthy nutritional...
Supports Colon Cleanse. Detoxification & as antioxidant Supports Low Cholesterol Level. Helpful as harmless purgative and in removing toxins from...
Bixa Herbal Capsules contain standardised herbal extracts as per their active principles in
recommended dosage, to achieve maximum positive results. The active molecules in herbs are
identified as per their pharmacology actions, processed & extracted hygienically and packed in Veg
capsules. Scientifically researched formulations are made as per various diseases.

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