12% Powder & Capsules

12% Powder & Capsules
Papaya Leaves Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg)
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Supports Digestive System Helpful as an anti-oxidant agent and maintains good blood flow towards heart muscles Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Papaya or Papaw (Botanical Name - Carica Pappaya) is a valuable tree commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India; indigenous in America. Carica papaya is cultivated for its edible ripe fruit; its juice is a popular beverage, and its young leaves, shoots, and fruits are cooked as a vegetable. Scientific studies of Papaya leaves shows presence of important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron for Vitality, increasing Immunity & platelets. The presence alkaloid, glucoside and enzyme called papain in papaya Leaf supports healthy blood circulation to heart muscles and aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally.Papaya plant is...
Helpful as an Immunity Booster & supports blood platelets health Supports maintenance of Normal Blood Sugar Levels Supports Digestive System...
Ratanjot Powder  Arnebia Nobilis
₹ 595.00
Supports as natural coloring agent Supports skin health and detoxification Supports wound healing & itching lowering response Supports antioxidant response to save cell damage Ratanjot [Botanical name - Alkanna tinctoria], the dyer's alkanet or alkanet, is an herb in the borage family, is native to the Mediterranean region. Ratanjot main notability is its roots are used as a red dye. The plant has a dark red root of blackish appearance externally, but blue-red inside, with a whitish core. The root produces a fine red colouring material, which has been used as a dye in the Mediterranean region since antiquity. Alkanet, or popularly known as alkane has several similar names such as dyer’s bugloss or Spanish bugloss. Alkanet root is found quite large and thick with reddish color. Alkanet root is primarily used as a natural dyeing agent, and helps to impart a ruby red color to natural lip balm, lipstick,lotion,etc....
Supports as natural coloring agent Supports skin health and detoxification Supports wound healing & itching lowering response Supports antioxidant response...
Guggul /Commiphora mukul Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 2.5% Guggulsterones
₹ 499.00 ₹ 789.00
For Cholesterol Support Useful in controlling High Blood Cholesterol & Lipid Levels Useful in Improving Blood Circulation & preventing formation of clots. Supports Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic action in Joint pains. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Guggul Extract capsule (Commiphora Mukul) In ayurveda very useful to control and support cholesterol level & Lipid Metabolism. In Ayurveda Gum Guggul is also known by the names Guggul, Indian Bedellium and has Botanical name as Commiphora mukul. Guggul Extract is the sticky oleo gum resin from the Commiphora Mukul tree which plays a major role in the traditional herbal medicine of India. Ayurveda mentions that Guggul Extract is Bitter, astringent in taste, hot in potency and pungent after digestion, helps to improve blood circulation, decreases Vocal cord swelling & improves voice quality. It is digestive, appetiser, removes extra mucous from channels of the body and helps to reduce sugar levels.Ayurveda...
For Cholesterol Support Useful in controlling High Blood Cholesterol & Lipid Levels Useful in Improving Blood Circulation & preventing formation...
Bitter melon / Karela Extract 60 Veg Capsules (450mg) 5% Bitters
₹ 499.00 ₹ 589.00
Useful as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Helps to inhibit glucose uptake from Intestine & maintains Blood Sugar level. Bitters & Alkaloids present helps to protect pancreatic cells. Helps in improving Liver functions. Lab tested for quality, Non-GMO, vegan & gluten free Karela (Botanical Name - Momordica Charantia) has many names. In Pakistan, India among other Asian countries, it is known by this name, Karela. In English speaking countries, it’s known as bitter gourd, bitter squash or bitter melon. This cucumber-like fruit with ugly bumps all over is popular due to its various health benefits. As mentioned in Ayurvedic texts Karela or Bitter melon is cold in potency, easily digestible & bitter in taste. Karela has Pitta, Kapha pacifying action & do not aggravate Vata. Bitter melon supports Blood purifying properties & helps in de-toxification. Karela supports facilitation of oxygenated & proper blood flow to skin, which helps to cleanse &...
Useful as Blood Purifier & De-toxifier Helps to inhibit glucose uptake from Intestine & maintains Blood Sugar level. Bitters &...

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